Title: Your Presence
Author :
arindikaPairing: Takabu
Genre: Fluff, romance
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Takaki and Yabu owned by Johny san.
Summary: Takaki feels restless.
Word count : 660 words
A/N: I am not native speaker, please forgive my grammar error.
This was almost midnight and Takaki felt anything but sleepiness )
Their conversation seriously killed me!!!
So sugaryyy ;;A;;
OMG Yuya just admitted your surrender to Kota
Another takabu muehehe *evil laugh*
But your icon is inoobu, do you love inoobu too? If it's so then we have same taste
Yoroshiku ;)
u got that right Tachan.
Yuya lost to Yabu.
Yabu cheesy side is just so cheesy and cheesy and embarassing but its his charrm muahahaha
I need moaarr fluff AKi please write for me lolol
i would love to write a fluff for u Tatchan but i don`t know what fluff is..
i don`t want to keep ur hopes up
Please pleaseeee write it then!!
Just write what's on your mind naturally! You dont have to worry kay?
I am looking forward to it!!
Imma gonna add you~
it`s too much pressure! (fidget)
btw, friend request accepted!
yeah my hand seems to have its own mind when writing the ending
my intention is making it cute and fluffy but it ended up like that
yeah I love Takaki Yuya, Inoo Key and Yabu Kota
they are like my otp
do you have story too? if you do I will be happy to read them :)
nice to meet you too ^^
Please write more in the future I am waiting hope you dont mind if I add you ;)
yes I am planing to write Takabu since I find this pairing is hard to find :)
I dont mind at all then I will add you too ^^
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