Feb 06, 2011 23:42
I'm here, I'm here.
Insanity week 4 is in the history books. I started Level 2 of yoga this week as well. And guess what? I CAN TOUCH MY TOES!!!!!!!!! That has seriously been a goal of mine since I was a wee, out-of-shape tot of 13. So I'm very pleased with this development. This next week of Insanity is Core Cardio and Balance every day, getting ready for the beginning of the "max" last 4 weeks. This will be a new workout for me, so hopefully I like it, since I'll be doing it six days in a row.
After this I think I'm going to do P90x doubles. It'll actually mean I'm working out less than I am now, but with more of an emphasis on strength training. We'll see. Vince said he'd send it to me, and I'd really like to do it. I know that as a female I'm incapable of bulking up unless I was striving to do so, so I'm not worried about that: I just don't want to lose any of the cardiovascular strength that I've gained from Insanity! But by the time I'll be starting P90x, it will (hopefully!) be warm enough that I can start taking walks again. I can't stand not being able to walk. Me without walks = STRESS. My walks are my me time, my time to slowly think through my problems, to daydream, to call friends I haven't spoken to in a while, or to zone out and listen to music. My walks are what keep me sane. And by the time EVIL FEBRUARY rolls along, I'm always starting to go crazy without them.
Bough 1000 IU of Vitamin D to help get me through SAD. It could kick in any second now and that'd be great!
I bought my Comic Con 2011 ticket yesterday. I'm excited to be going back to Second Home. I miss San Diego far more than I admit, even to myself. A small part of me wishes I'd never come back. That's silly of course, but a part of me is still there. I'll be glad to be reunited with it, even if it is for just a week. And there's Star Wars day!
Speaking of, I think I may be Slave Leia for Halloween this year, if I'm shapely enough. ~fingers crossed~
I'm going to hardcore start job searching. I've seriously had it with retail and ridiculous corporate expectations that make my life a living hell. I'm hoping to find a receptionist job or something, and keep VW maybe once a week for some extra cash. I don't really know how to go about looking for a new job like that though. I hammered out a resume and cover letter today and think they look pretty good, but I've never written a non-acting resume before. I don't know what I'm doing. I'm not cut out for real life. I need to hurry up and Femme Fatale my body out and get modeling/acting in a hurry. (Another perk of a receptionist/office job - free evenings for rehearsals and such!)
Oh! Also! Yay Packers winning the Super Bowl! When brad and I went up to Lambeau in November I never imagined we would be watching the Super Bowl champs in the making. If it couldn't be the Rams (2012, anyone?) I'm glad it was the Pack.
I have a baking project coming up for the week of V-Day. Brad calls me "love muffin" quite frequently, so I decided to bake him some love muffins: strawberry cheesecake muffins with a melted chocolate drizzle. It should be fun. And delicious.
Such is my life as of now. You guys should update your journals, you know. I feel like I'm shouting into a vacuum here.
comic con,