Mar 28, 2006 12:27
Many thanks to my advisor, who told me I was crazy and then approved this schedule:
Intermediate Latin: Cicero
General Physics I and Recitation
British Literature I and Recitation
Intersections: Race, Gender, and Sexuality in US History and Recitation
History of Ancient Egypt
Yep, that's a total of about twenty-one hours of class per week. It's all those damned recitations.
Honestly though, I can't imagine how it could be any tougher than last Fall, when despite having fewer hours (about 16-17), I was burdened with Writing the Essay, which required papers for every class. In an emergency I'll drop one of the last two courses, or replace General Physics with a standard Nat Sci course. Next semester should be fun.
In other news, I went with my classics posse to a lecture on divination in ancient Greece last night. It was given by a Professor Flower, from Princeton, and it was very interesting, all the more so because just before the lecture began a fragment of the ceiling in the lecture hall collapsed, leading to all sorts of corny (i.e. hilarious) jokes about omens and portents. Matt (Latin teacher, for those who don't know) was there, and made sure to give us a smile and nod when Prof. Flower cited Cicero's De Divinatione (in fact, he cited the exact syllogism that we studied in the textbook!). I can't wait to be a grad student.