20 Tweetfics; Various fandoms

Dec 22, 2009 14:14

Between crazy university schedule and (gradually more) tiresome and annoying work (and my best friend, Procrastination), I haven't much time to write. But after forgetting about my hatred for Twitter for two seconds and stupidly succumbing to my curiosity, I have a Twitter account and I've found that it's actually pretty okay for facilitating super short fictions. And it helps with my writing problem ala Purple Prose (don't wanna end up another Stephanie Meyer, you see, that epic wreck of a so-called author). So here they are, my 20 tweetfics to date!

Fandom: CSI: Miami
Pairing/Character: Eric/Ryan (HardyBoys), Ryan
Warnings: Slash and spoilers of varying degrees. Don't like, don't click, don't read.
Rating: Nothing above PG
Disclaimer: CBS, Anthony E. Zuiker, Carol Mendelsohn and Ann Donahue own CSI:Miami. I don't.
Beta: -

[Afterimage. 140. 27/05/2009. 19:50.]
Eric didn't expect to see Ryan at a nightclub. Neither did he expect those leather pants. Still, the sight stuck like light burnt onto film.

[Not Reason Enough. 138. 28/05/2009. 08:43.]
Ryan loves his job, but sometimes, love just isn't enough. Leaving his key on the locker, he walks out of the crime lab for the last time.

[Frozen Words. 140. 18/10/2009. 02:06.]
He wanted to thank Ryan for staying while he fought through the coma-but with Cal there, he could only come up with insignificant greetings.


Fandom: Glee
Pairing: Artie/Tina
Warnings: Subtle spoilers for season 1 episode 'Wheels' (and het!). Don't like, don't click, don't read.
Rating: Almost Gen
Disclaimer: Fox, Ryan Murphy, Brad Falchuk, Ian Brennan and its producers own Glee. I don't. I wish I lived in it, though.
Beta: -

[Murphy's Law. 140. 13/11/2009. 00:00.]
The next thing she said felt like knowing-again-he will walk no more; it pushed him off the top of the world. It always hurts when he hoped.


Fandom: Merlin
Pairing/Characters: Arthur/Merlin, Arthur, Merlin, Mordred
Warnings: Slash and spoilers of varying degrees. Don't like, don't click, don't read.
Rating: Nothing above PG
Disclaimer: Shine, BBC, Julian Jones, Jake Michie, Johnny Capps, Julian Murphy and its producers own the show. I don't. I'm just thankful for pretty British boys (and King Giles!).
Beta: -

[Once Again. 139. 27/05/2009. 09:47.]
Time froze; he waited for recognition to dawn on the blond, who finally breathed out Merlin's name in reverence. And his world began again.

[Blue and Gold. 140. 27/05/2009. 22:09.]
Arthur studies Merlin's eyes-blue like his and yet so different-and his breath is stolen every time they glow with all the power of the Sun.

[Limitless. 140. 29/05/2009. 12:32.]
He would crawl across seas of broken glass on bended knees for him. He had no idea what more he could do and he would never let Merlin know.

[Only. 139. 31/05/2009. 12:14.]
He would do anything for him. Not Arthur the prince, his master, nor the brilliant future king he knew the man would be. Just, just Arthur.

[Mutual Ignorance. 139. 01/08/2009. 01:19.]
Gold flashed; he knew. Merlin, desperate but dismissed. A hand-warm, contrite-on his shoulder a month later. It was never brought up again.

[Forever in a Breath. 140. 24/09/2009. 20:41.]
This is how it ends-in blood and war; the King dead and asleep; Merlin bound to timeless eternity, waiting for the world to need them again.

[Patience. 138. 27/09/2009. 00:26.]
They told him to be strong-accept his destiny. No one told him what to do when Destiny wants him to wait indefinitely for Arthur's return.

[Holding On. 137. 28/09/2009. 00:34.]
He was bleeding and hurting, badly, but the adrenaline from the jousting and the steady shoulders under his arm made them easier to bear.

[A Glimpse of The End. 135. 04/10/2009. 20:24.]
The guards fell; shock and bewilderment overtook the fear on Mordred's face, and the boy unsettled Merlin more than he ever had before.

[Linger. 137. 12/10/2009. 13:15.]
Merlin swears he can still smell those nasty berries (and touch the warmth of a sword-callused hand) for days after returning to Camelot.

[Belief. 140. 15/10/2009. 20:38.]
Day 501: Arthur finally got over Sophia. He had no more of himself left to give. He no longer believed in Destiny- "I'm Merlin, by the way."


Fandom: Merlin RPF/S
Pairing/Characters: Bradley/Colin, Anthony Head
Warnings: Slash hints. Don't like, don't click, don't read.
Rating: Nothing above PG
Disclaimer: Bradley James, Colin Morgan and Anthony Head are their own persons. This is a purely fictional take on them and is no representation of the actors in reality.
Beta: -

[Overlap. 140. 22/05/2009. 23:10.]
It's almost like we're brothers, Bradley mused. Colin turned to him and the enigmatic grin was all Merlin. Perhaps, the younger man replied.

[Exasperation. 135. 09/08/2009. 21:02.]
Anthony wished the boys read his interviews-if only to see how obvious they were and do something instead of dancing around each other.

[Two Sides; One Story. 140. 02/11/2009. 13:32.]
Colin thinks he's finally found The Best Friend-Bradley isn't like anyone he's ever known; Bradley just thinks he's found something special.


Fandom: Torchwood
Pairing/Characters: Jack/Ianto, Gwen
Warnings: Mentions of slash. This is Torchwood we're talking about. Spoilers for series 2 episode 9 and CoE episode 4. Don't like, don't click, don't read.
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: BBC and Russell T Davies own Torchwood. I don't. I wish I do so I can retcon Children of Earth.
Beta: -

[Things to Do. 140. 15/07/2009. 17:12.]
He began listing his priorities with obvious humour. But they both knew that what he named as Number Two was more important than Number One.

[No Time Enough. 140. 12/10/2009. 14:40.]
He had stupidly waited to see Ianto's first grey hair-watch him grow old. He never got ready for those three words; never ready for goodbye.


Crossposted like WHOA.
CSI Slash, wolfe_delko, FREEWHEELS, MerlinxArthur, bradleycolin, Merlin tweetfic and JackxIanto.

fandom: merlin, pairing: jack/ianto, fandom: merlin rpf, fandom: csi: miami, fandom: torchwood, fandom: glee, pairing: eric/ryan, pairing: artie/tina, fanfiction: tweetfic, pairing: bradley/colin, pairing: arthur/merlin

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