
Apr 13, 2008 15:00

OMGGG!!!! Date-sama and Hasshi shinmeキタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!! They danced as shinme on Showa x Heisei and even did backflip together!! Kyaaaaa so excited(>_<) Datehashi made my day(oゝω・´)b

I can't wait to watch Shokura today!! Tama talks in Jr. League unless it's cut. I heard many good moments were cut off from the last Jr. League. Hope to see Tama talk a lot!! And LOVESICK by Yaracchi with ABC and Kisumai!! Yaracchi choreographed for the song. He's surprised all the members of both groups learned the choreography so quickly. Can't wait to see it(>_<)

Sushi Ouji PR programs have been airing everyday and they make me want to eat sushi. Last night's Terakoya was a lot of fun!! Ko-chan ate lots of unique sushi in the program. Like hiyoko on sushi(^_^;) I love to see him eat a lot!! The Sushi Ouji movie will be released this coming Saturday. I want to go see it on the release day but I don't know... The current project is due on the 21st(-_-;) Wanna watch it now!!

johnnys, movie

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