Gold falling from the heartbeat of this girl

Feb 16, 2011 18:40

Hey, I'm alive :D :D :D :D

How's everyone doing?
I've survived my exams - some went really really well and I'm quite happy that I barely passed others - and enjoying two weeks of having nothing to do before I'm forced to sit some internship at a local grammar school. Literally sit because one semester really is not enough to actually teach a seventh grade class, be it in Biology or English /: *sighs*

I'm a happy fangirl though ♥
I love K8's new CM to bits who doesn't? with all its sparkles and gayness and all that stuff I missed K8 doing.

I loved those more than obvious Yasuba and RyOhkura references in there ♥

And on to some current thoughts I'm hoarding since New Year

It's 2011 already, hu? I'm going to be 21 by the end of the year, I'll have been through my first two semesters at university and will probably loose a lot of money to fandom and cosplay, like every other year.
But the keyword I want this year to have is achievement.

There are several things I want to achieve.

I want to finally lose weight. I'm not overweight and I really don't plan on ending up anorexic, but I would love to be 55kg instead of 62. (120 pounds  instead of 136), which is still quite healthy for being 161cm/ 5"3ft. I've already lost 4kg, just by eating less sweets, drinking more water and doing some sports (dancing, jogging, biking) and I would love to achive my goal weight by summer.

I want to become a good friend instead of being that bitch that is always complaining about everything to people who don't care about it and start asking people to tell me what's wrong and to come to me on their own if they have any problems.

I want to become more active in my fandoms. I'm rather passive, which is a shame, because I really hate to just take and not give, but my Japanese sucks and I'm not really the one at source, so it would be rather pointless for me to upload stuff that has been uploaded 50 times before.

I want to try hard in university, getting at least good grades for a good degree and for the chance to even be considered when it comes to choosing the students that are allowed into the Foreign Language Aassistant programm I've talked about before.

I want to become better in english. Hell, I suck so much at a language I'm studying to become a teacher of. I'm tongue-tied most of the times when I acutally have to talk. GARG D:

I want to start trying hard in general. I tend to do things in a half-assed way and I KNOW that I could do better if I actually cared.

And I think it's sad that you can't achieve a boyfriend, because that would be one achievement I'd really really like 8D

So, well, yes. I'm still young. With a lot of patience, I'm sure I can handle all this.

I'm currently spending my time sewing and marathoning  watching some animes I should have watched earlier. Damn D:


The one on the left, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, is a rather untypical Magical Girl anime, where Magical Girls are killed by monsters they call witches and it's all about "should I become a Magical Girl to fulfill my dreams?"... It's better than I make it sound, I promise D:

And the right one, Higashi no Eden/Eden of the East is what I would call a mixture of Liar Game and Bloody Monday. The characters are really lovely and I like that you're not pilled with information and flashy colours and effects (Macross Frontier used to do that and I found it a bother to watch).

You should give at least Higashi no Eden a go.

Going to see All Time Low live next week ♥

r: look she's alive, r: fangirl post, t:fandom, f:kanjani8

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