Apr 30, 2008 15:10
I have apparently neglected to post about gluten-free stuffs here.
For those that aren't aware, I'm eschewing the gluten in hopes that it might help The Damn Fatigue. So far, so good. I've had stomach issues, but the tireds are mostly gone. They usually come back if I eat something I shouldn't. Basically anything with regular flour is out (google for more info, I won't inundate you with it here). There are other sneaky items that are harder to ID, but I'm getting better at reading labels. Eating out is...an adventure. Even asking the right questions I trust no one and expect that I'm going to feel like crap after eating out.
That being said, I've been sorta tired this week. I think the heat over the weekend was to blame. It's bad enough that I'm turning my speech homework in late. So much for 100% in that class.
School is...well...school. It keeps me disgustingly busy. I'm maintaining a decent enough GPA that I'm on the Dean's List, so that's something I guess. The only times I've been social have been study dates. I am a regular party machine. As soon as my homework is done.
Drew is still looking for work, so if you know a place looking for a most excellent graphic editor/marketing type person, send the info this way.
And that's all I'v got. Damn, I've become quite a fascinating person, haven't I?