Apr 05, 2008 05:42
So, this has been a particularly hard week for me. Tuesday was the one year anniversary of JJ’s death and Thursday was the two year anniversary of my grandmother’s death. Not to mention my birthday is next week and I never really expect much on that day. So, let’s just say that Paxil can only numb so much of the pain before it overflows. I’m a wreck right now for all intents.
Since my birthday has had the uncanny effect of being surrounded by death lately, I just want to tell everyone that I love that they matter to me. I want you all to know, that no matter how often or rarely we speak that you all matter to me. That I will remember all of our memories and cherish them. And in case something ever happens to me or you, know that you’re all important to me in your own ways. I guess the reason I’m saying this is so I never regret not saying it at all.
Well, there’s another depressing entry. I’ll leave you guys with the thought that I love you all for you have each made me the person I am.