LMOM08 :: Day 4 :: "Stress Relief" [TWW, CJ/Ainsley, R] for racethewind10

May 04, 2008 19:52

Title: Stress Relief
Author: A. Magiluna Stormwriter
Author’s Email: stormwriter@shatterstorm.net
Pairing: CJ/Ainsley
Rating: R
Date: 30 April - 1 May 2008
Word Count: 938
Written for: AJ's Lusty Month of May 2008
Recipient: racethewind10
Prompt: CJ is having a very hard time dealing with being Cheif of Staff OR, CJ angst!after Leo's death
Summary: CJ's having a bad day as Chief of Staff.
Warning: Established lesbian couple. Don't like it? Don't read it.

Disclaimer: “The West Wing”, the characters and situations depicted are the property of Warner Bros. Television, John Wells Productions, NBC, etc. They are borrowed without permission, but without the intent of infringement. This site is in no way affiliated with "The West Wing", NBC, or any representatives of Allison Janney or Stockard Channing. This site contains stories between two mature, consenting adult females.

Author’s Notes: I always love writing this couple. I really do believe they're my TWW OTP. But this prompt wouldn't really let me work within the established universe I have for CJ and Ainsley. But that's okay…

Dedication: my muses, as always…

Beta: cuspofqueens

"Stress Relief"
By A. Magiluna Stormwriter

"Why the hell did I agree to this again?" I grumble, barely resisting the urge to throw my glasses across the room. Better yet, this damned report would look good sailing through the air…on fire…with streamers. I stop myself from letting loose the giddy laughter threatening to bubble up and claw its way out of my throat at that mental image.

"Because you couldn't say no to Leo and the President double teaming you to take over as Chief of Staff?"

At her soft, amused tone, I look up wearily to meet her gaze. She's standing in the doorway, arms crossed over her chest, studying my face.

"What are you do--?" Realizing why she's here, I glance at the clock on my phone and swear. "I'm sorry, Ainsley. I completely lost track of--"

"Hush now," she admonishes lightly, heading toward the couch. That's when I notice the basket. "You're a busy woman, CJ, and I do understand that. So I chose to bring our dinner to you, since I know you tend to forget to eat when you're swamped."

I watch avidly as she unpacks the basket. One last bird flipped at the damned report on my desk sends me over to sit next to Ainsley. Of course, my stomach chooses to make its presence known, and I feel the flush of embarrassment warming my cheeks. She just presses a piece of cheese to my lips with an impish grin.

"Is that your idea of an 'I told you so'?"

Ainsley says nothing and begins to pour something bubbly into the wine glasses. She pops a morsel of cheese into her own mouth before lighting the two candles she's brought along. Leaning over to stroke my cheek, she quickly gets up to turn off the light and lock the door. I can only imagine what Margaret must be thinking of all of this. It's not like Ainsley and I are exactly overt about our relationship. My thoughts are brought back to my lover when she stands in front of me to cup my face in her hands.

"Stop thinking, CJ," she murmurs, easing back onto the couch without letting go of my face. "Just let it all go for thirty minutes. That's all I'm asking for, then I'll leave you to your work."

I nod and shift slightly to nuzzle at her palm. "Can you take the report with you? Or maybe kidnap me so I don't have to deal with the damned thing?"

She chuckles softly and picks up her glass, pointing to mine. "I could do that, but it would still be here in the morning to torment you. Wouldn't it be better to deal with it and close the door on that ugly mess?"

I grumble and take a sip of the sparkling liquid, pleased with the tart juice. "I suppose. I mean, I was almost done with it anyway. I just… I don't know how Leo did it, how anyone does it. This job is so…"

"Stressful? I know it is." Her tone is softer than normal, but I can still hear the faint hint of annoyance. "And you bring it home far more often than you did when you were Press Secretary. But we can survive this, just like we've survived all of our other issues. So why don't you just forget it for the next little while and enjoy our meal?"

With a deep breath and a grin, I nod and reach for another piece of cheese, only to have my hand slapped away. Ainsley picks up the cheese and brings it to my lips. Once I've chewed and swallowed, she holds up an apple slice, then a grape, a bit of sliced turkey on a cracker. Shifting to get more comfortable, I reach up to stroke her cheek in appreciation and let her continue to feed me. With each morsel of food, her touch grows bolder, stroking my cheeks and lips repeatedly, and I find myself more and more aware of her body next to mine. When she holds up another grape, I lean forward enough to pull the grape and both fingers between my lips. My tongue glides lightly across the whorls and patterns, tasting the foods on her skin, relishing the unique flavors. Squirming a bit, I suck even harder on her fingertips, one hand moving to curl behind her head to pull her closer.

All I want to do right now is clear my desk and have my way with Ainsley right here. It'll never happen, not unless I want to be the cause of the second largest scandal of the Bartlet Administration. With a frustrated groan, I pull back and kiss her fingertips.

"As much as I would love to see where this goes…"

Ainsley just smiles and drains her cider. "Why don't you finish up that damned report of yours and come home to finish what I've started? See, I left the chocolate sauce at home by accident, and the strawberries really just don't taste right without it." There's a quaver to her voice that indicates her arousal has been triggered, too.

I glance back at the report, then at Ainsley. She's biting her lower lip, glancing up at me from beneath her lashes. I really should finish the report for the meeting tomorrow afternoon with Nancy McNally. But I have been neglecting Ainsley more than I should recently. It's not like I won't have a ton of work waiting for me when I walk in anyway.

"The hell with the report," I reply, pulling her close for a quick kiss. "Take me home."

fanfic :: tww, lmom08

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