
Apr 04, 2008 18:02

So I've turned in both my primary and back up/pinch hit fics for femme_fic. As of the last I heard, we're waiting on one. more. story. Damn it, turn in the fucking fic! I wanna read my story! And all the others. And find out what my recipients think of their stories. And damn it, even if my recipients don't like them, I like them. And I'm particularly proud of my pinch hit piece, considering how badly Word was conspiring to keep me from writing it initially.

And on the topic of ficathons... I've signed up for another two. Why yes, I am a masochist who really just can't say no. Thank you ever so kindly for asking! What have I signed up for? Let's see... majoritython"s Majority Rules Challenge-a-Thon [I've signed up with CJ Cregg, so am planning on something with CJ/Ainsley] & femgenficathon's Femgenficathon IV [character will depend on the prompt, to be honest]. Yeah, I'm a fucking masochist. So sue me!

BSG premiers tonight. I'll be in bed when it does, and won't be able to watch it til tomorrow when I get home from work. And despite the spoilers I've gotten so far over the last fucking year we've had to wait, I'm gonna do my best to actually remain spoiler-free for this ep. I can't guarantee that'll happen all season, but I'll give this spoiler-free thing a chance... *heh*

I'm still woefully behind on the ShatterStorm Productions update. I'm NOT throwing in the towel, damn it! I just need to set aside some time to actually start working on it. There's a part of me considering some sort of "automation" for it, but that's only because I'm facing a daunting update... *sighs*

So I've already got 16 prompts for my Lusty Month of May 2008 challenge. Please consider heading over and requesting a prompt of me to write. I really want to be able to write some sort of smutty fic [anything from a kiss to NC17] for each day of the month, and while I [and shatterpath] can fill in the dates, I'd much rather get the prompts from y'all...

My laundry is all done, except for the bedding. And of course, it still needs to be folded and put away. But it's washed, and the darks are currently in the dryer. This is a good thing, damn it. And shatterpath made some fucking bad-ass food today. Chicken and duck with rice and split peas. She's even been teasing me about going to Albertson's to get some tapenade to add to the rice dish. Fucking tease... *pouts*

We're eventually going to go upstairs and watch Happily Never After. We watched Enchanted earlier this week, and enjoyed it very much. Animated Idina Menzel is just too fucking cute!

What else? Am considering another flist cut. There are some people on my flist that I just don't read their journals anymore, or we really just don't have anything in common anymore. And it's nothing personal, but my flist is rather large, and if I'm not reading what someone's posting, or they're just not posting, I'm gonna trim them out. Dunno when it'll be yet tho'...

*whines* Damn it! I wanna read femme_fic!

movies, ficathons & challenges, personal updates, ssp updates, tv ramblings

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