Once again, this is based on my
101 in 1001 master list post.
I'd also realized that there were some things that I'd done/started and hadn't actually listed on here. So those have been updated, as well...
Newly Begun
- 064. Keep the kitchen clean, top to bottom, for at least 1 week a month for at least 3 months :: restarted 3 March 2007
originally started 17 February 2007
- 065. Keep the catbox cleaned and scooped daily for at least 1 month :: restarted 3 March 2007
started 18 February 2007
- 081. Practice my divination once a week for at least 3 months :: restarted 3 March 2007
originally started 18 February 2007
In Process
- 004. Recycle all recyclables for at least 6 months :: started 25 October 2006
- 005. Pick up trash along my favorite stretches of beach at least 4 times a year :: started 23 January 2007
- 015. Get Dragon Rainbow PacNW up & running :: started 1 December 2006
- 020. Be better at updating my websites :: started 14 February 2007
- 021. Write a story in 3 new fandoms :: started 9 October 2006
Eternal in Fried Green Tomatoes fandom
- 022. Write a story in 3 old fandoms :: started 23 October 2006
Seeing is Believing in ER fandom
Outside is Frightful in Birds of Prey fandom
- 034. Read through all the unread books in my library ::1 January 2007
- 063. Do a load of laundry every other day to keep up :: started 18 February 2007
- 075. Send out birthday cards [snail or email] to family/friends for 1 year :: started 1 November 2006
- 076. Send random cards/e-cards to 2 people a month for 12 months :: started 18 February 2007
- 082. Celebrate all 8 sabbats for 1 year :: started 31 October 2006
Samhain, Yule, Imbolc
- 006. Give a waitperson a 50% tip for exceptional service :: completed 22 January 2007
- 030. Devote one night a week to crafts for 2 months :: started 1 November 2006 // completed 1 February 2007
Writing is a craft, isn't it?
- 032. Take a drawing or painting class at the community college :: started 20 February 2007 // completed 27 February 2007
Intro to Watercolor & Intro to Oil Paint Express classes at Michaels
- 070. Compliment at least 5 stories a week that I read on e-lists or lj for 1 month :: restarted on 5 February 2007 // completed 3 March 2007
originally started on 7 January 2007
- 074. Send out Yule cards on time :: started 25 October 2006 // completed 9 December 2006
- 077. Update address book & keep it maintained :: started 25 October 2006 [maintenance continues]
[This tends to follow thru with 074]
- 098. Go to Disneyland :: completed 27 January 2007
- Started/In Process :: 14/101 :: 13.86%
- Completed :: 7/101 :: 6.93%
- Unfulfilled :: 80/101 :: 79.21%