Important Update :: Errors with FSAC :: DW06 Voting Form

Jan 02, 2007 12:30

Yesterday, we sent out the information for voting in the FSAC :: DW06 calendar.

Unfortunately, an error in the voting form was pointed out just a few moments ago, in the form of a story not being listed in its appropriate week [Week 3].

The discovery of this error requires us to request anyone who has already voted recheck the form and re-vote, to be completely fair to ALL of the participants.

We have wiped out all votes posted thus far to restart the voting process, due to this error.

We apologize for the inconvenience and hope that you will take a few moments to review and revote.

Thank you.

If there are any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to respond to this email.

aj & jenn .. ShatterStorm Productions ..

ssp updates

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