FSAC :: Dead of Winter 2005 -- Days 29 & 30

Dec 28, 2005 14:25

Due to extra entries slated as backups, we will be having dual entries for the final 4 days of the calendar.

Our twenty-eighth entry is Fuck Buddies, an ER Kerry/Abby piece by Debbie, aka mrswoman

Our twenty-ninth entry is More Color For The Bruise, a Grey's Anatomy fanart piece by seraC

Our thirtieth entry is Comfort and Joy, an X-Files Scully/Reyes piece by Andromeda Valentine

Our thirty-first entry is Winter Solstice - Slashy version, a Battlestar Galactica Laura/Kara piece by Shatterpath,

Go check them out, then send feedback to the authors!


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