A Real Update!! Oo-da-lally!!

Dec 22, 2005 09:26

First, let me comment that my icon is based on the rant I've got behind the LJ cut. It seems utterly appropriate somehow.....

So remember when I got so sick at Thanksgiving and lost my voice? That whole sore throat/ear/eustacean tube thing? Yeah, it came back on Saturday night/Sunday morning in my left ear....After we'd had to stand outside at work on Saturday evening for like an hour due to a fire alarm. So we decided that I'd do Urgent Care on my days off, that I'd do it yesterday. I woke up yesterday morning and everything was completely gone. And those that know me and my illnesses/trips to the doctor will know that this is quite common for me to get sick enough to go to the doctor, and when I actually get ready to go to said doctor, the illness goes away completely. So I didn't go. And we've figured this second bout was basically due to being outside for that fire alarm [but I had my warm coats on] & that as the weather warmed up for us the past couple days, it went away.

Still going to be getting appointments to see a doc and a dentist asap in the new year. Since we have the fucking insurance, and are paying for it, we might as well use it, ya know? And hopefully I can get my teeth taken care of, and see what the doc says, too. And then I'm gonna see about breast reduction surgery...and am kind of toying with the idea of the stomach stapling surgery. But I'm not sure. If I do decide to do it [and insurance covers it], I'll see about getting both surgeries done at the same time, and cut down the recovery time/out of work time.... But it's still just a thought atm....

So shift bid results come out tomorrow. Fingers are crossed that I get one of my top picks. Would really love to get my #1, as I love my current mgr & would love to continue on her team. And if that works? I'm applying for QA captain on our team. That's for damned skippy!

Am also gonna be doing some serious work to get my stats down in the remaining 6 days I work this month, especially my AHT. Yeah, overall I'm still meeting standards, but I know I can do better than this...And it's starting to seriously piss me off that I'm having these fucking issues with the calls I'm getting. How the fuck am I supposed to get good enough stats to be able to go on to the positions/promotions I want if I don't have the damned stats? *sigh*

And on a similar note? It may sound very bitchy/pissy of me, but I'm seriously hoping that one of my teammates gets fired. She's been a stupid fuck over her points, and just expects our mgr to pat her on the head and continually give her the benefit of the doubt. Case in point, last Saturday, she came in on time, but didn't clock in until like 8:07. Well, boys and girls, that's a quarter point currently. And she's already at her 9 points. So she's actually pissed at our mgr for giving her the quarter point because, and I quote, "She saw I was there. It wasn't like I was actually late or something. I can understand that. But I was there, and I shouldn't be penalized for it." And when our mgr pulled her in for a mtg about it, the fucking moron actually had the gall to pull her "whine card" [aka "I want my union rep for this mtg"]. FFS! I can understand giving you the benefit of the doubt if you were late due to traffic issues, because that can happen. But if you're at your desk and too fucking stupid/distracted/whatever to clock in? No, you don't get benefit of the doubt, especially when you've done it before and you've gotten benefit of the doubt for it before. She's all pissed that she might get termed over this, and has a couple of our teammates on her side. They've actually tried to get me to agree with her that it's bullshit, but I haven't. And you know what? If you can't manage yourself and your time, you deserve the points. FFS, we're all adults here. And they know I like our mgr, so I'm thinking they might also be baiting me to see if I'm a stooge to said mgr. And I'm not. I won't play that kind of politics. And I won't side with these people, especially after they all bailed out on the day after Thanksgiving as "sick" when the queues spiked up horrendously around our final break. 8 out of 10 people on the team left, all supposedly sick [as we have no vacation time to use, since we're under 6 months for the most part], and then all got pissed when our mgr got upset and called them on the carpet for it. Fuck them! If they don't have the common decency to stick around and support their teammates who do stay to do the work, why the fuck should I support them in their time of stupidity? *growl*

On a happier note, I finally got my gift from Ghana/Ethiopia. See, my mgr's mgr went to Africa in October/November and said that he was bringing back gifts for the team in his direct report group that did the best. Our team only met 1 category of our stats. And we still managed to win the prizes. I got a really neat painting on a hide/leather canvas, that was set in a neat wooden frame. Will have to take a pic of it and post it here. Other gifts included woven baskets, carved wooden masks, camel figurines, and other drawings/paintings. It was quite kewl!

Solstice 2005
So yesterday,
gothicangel713, and I opened our gifts. Wow! That was kewl! I was antsy to see what they thought of their gifts from me, and I was definitely antsy to open my own. I'm such a kid like that! *hee* Thankfully, they liked their gifts. And I got a nice little haul. Candies, a little fuzzy poster of animals to color, funky mismatched socks, scrapbooking stickers for my muses [harley davidson stuff], a windmill statuette, the St Simons Island lighthouse statuette that has lights that actually fucking work [unlike the one I got a couple of years ago], a snoring donkey stuffy, a really pretty lighthouse plaque, and the Better Homes & Gardens pink cookbook that supports breast cancer awareness/research.

And on Sunday, I opened my gift from
A, which was a tshirt with the phrase "Just one more level... Okay, just one more level... okay, just one more level... okay, okay, just one more level..." Anyone who knows me and my games online, you'll totally understand this gift...

And back on the 12th, I got to open gifts with
lorredufae, and
lapis_star. I got some really neat decorated bottles for my b'day, and a set of 3 gorgeous juju/goddess-based paintings for Yule from
lorredufae. I've brought one home, as the other two aren't finished yet. They're absolutely beautiful, and I can't wait to have all 3 up on my wall.

I've also gotten some great wishlist-based gifts from my flist, which I've been updating over here.

Flist Wishlists // Holiday Cards // Gifts
Okay, some of you have gotten your wishlist gifts from me. Those of you who haven't yet, will be getting your gifts asap. Holiday cards to those I've promised are hopefully going out in the mail today. I'm also going to be working on an online version of my annual letter, so y'all will get the link to that. And anyone getting actual gifts in the mail from me, will unfortunately have to wait till after the holidays. Even with
gothicangel713 here, helping out, we've been still dealing with money issues and getting things caught up. So the bulk of the gifts have had to wait to be mailed out unfortunately.... Hopefully, I'll do better on the being organized thing for next year....

Wow! The bulk of my time the past several weeks has been wrapped up in the FemSlash Advent Calendar :: Dead of Winter 2005 calendar. We've had some fucking fabulous entries this year. I'm so ecstatic about it! There are 9 entries left in the calendar before the voting begins. And I'm already starting to look into info for the Dog Days of Summer 2006 calendar, so keep an eye out for info on that.... Next week, I'll also be working on the various graphics/awards for when the voting starts on 1 January 2006.

I'm going to be adding a new subdomain to the ShatterStorm Productions site today. rohandupre and I have worked out a deal where we'll be hosting her writings, and I'll be getting that all squared away today, hopefully. And last night, I read her FSAC :: DW05 piece and was absolutely floored. I can't wait for more of this series to be written. It's fascinating! *hee*

After the calendar is done, I'll be working on another pretty good-sized update to ShatterStorm Productions. I didn't want to get things all confused with what's new during the calendar....

So other than NaNoWriMo and my FSAC :: DW05 pieces, I've done hardly any writing of late. I've several ideas, including some WiPs on my hard drive, but wanted to get the "current' things done first.

Currently in the works, I've got a Kittyhawke fic I've been working on for minerva_fan that will be posted in the 26 December slot on the FSAC :: DW05. Yes, that means I still have the Kara/Dee piece to do. I just couldn't get it going.... And I've got much more work on "Rainbows," which was my NaNoWriMo entry & also is the 6th book in the Light, Water, Muses saga. Depending on how
shatterpath does with "Ripples," I'll probably be releasing "Rainbows" in the Dog Days of Summer 2006 calendar, to be completely honest. And it may take me that long to get it finished and beta'd properly....

I've also got my Gen Femslash Ficathon entry that's due on 6 January coming up. And that Highlander piece I promised pat_t I'd write so there'd be new fic in the new year. And I still owe killabeez a hot Amanda/Rebecca piece. And I know there are other stories I owe other people, but my brain isn't registering them atm....

So I've been a busy little bitch this year with the crocheting. Thankfully, I have a job where I'm allowed to crochet between calls [and while I'm on hold for other departments]. From September until early December, I crocheted a total of 18 Christmas stockings of varying sizes. I do still have 2 more to make, as somehow I completely forgot to get them done, so those recipients [a coworker and her daughter] will have to wait till after the holidays for their stockings unfortunately. I've also made a couple of neckwarmers in the past month or so, and am almost halfway done with a sweater for
will_i_am_oak. I still owe
shatterpath a pair of legwarmers for work,
gothicangel713 a sweater/vest/poncho/shawl/whatever as part of her Yule gifts, and
A a lemur stuffy.

I'm thinking about the gifts I want to do for next year, so I can get started as early as possible. I'm thinking about crocheting some Christmas tree skirts for people next year. Venturing out into clothes a little more. Definitely working on some stuffies that are "tailored" to the people they're gifted to. And then, I'll also be working on the various soaps/candles/incenses/bath salts/etc that I always make. And I'm hoping to seriously get Dragon Rainbow PacNW's website up and running this year. I know I've been talking about that forEVER now, but I'm seriously wanting it done in 2006. AND I'm gonna try my hand at some juju-based art as well. Not gonna comment on it quite yet, as I'm still working out the details internally....

work, holiday stuff, hobbies, personal updates, ssp updates

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