Today's DailyOM Offerings...

Jul 10, 2020 21:12

July 10, 2020
Saving Your Best
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope

You may feel cautious today while interacting with the individuals who populate your environment. If others ask to hear your thoughts regarding certain subjects, your tentativeness can prevent you from expressing everything that is on your mind. This cautiousness is likely the result of your inability to fully quantify or qualify your ideas coupled with an inability to judge others' motives with certainty. Since you may be less than sure of where your feelings and thinking patterns are leading you today, you may be loathe to offer a hasty opinion. This can be the perfect time to spend some time alone ruminating on the notions that have established themselves in your thoughts.

We do not have to worry about whether others will have an impact on the direction our thought processes take when we keep our best ideas to ourselves until we have refined and perfected them. While openness is an important element of our relationships, there is no reason we cannot keep certain ideas and opinions private. In allowing ourselves to mull over our thoughts in this way, we afford ourselves the time we need to consider the notions taking root in our minds from a variety of angles. Our opinions and ideas thus remain unadulterated by outside influences until we have deemed them refined enough to share with others or we feel we are ready to present them to the world at large. If you abide by your hesitant feelings today, you will not feel pressured to exchange your ideas and opinions with others.

July 10, 2020
Chronic Lateness
Unconscious Communication

by Madisyn Taylor

When people are chronically late, they are in essence saying that their time is more important than yours.

Being late for an appointment or a date can seem like a small thing that really doesn't matter, but it communicates volumes, whether we mean it to or not. Being kept waiting is an experience that almost no one enjoys, because at best, it wastes their time, and at worst, it indicates a lack of regard. It's as if we're saying that our time is more important than their time, so we don't need to honor them by showing up when we said we would. When we are running late, it means a lot if we call and let the person know, especially if it's going to be more than ten minutes. However, if we are chronically late, it may take more than a phone call to properly address the issue.

If it's become a habit of ours not to be on time, we may want to look inside ourselves and see what's going on. It's easy enough to make excuses about our behavior, or to project responsibility on the other person, perceiving them to be uptight if they are irritated by our tardiness. What's more difficult, and more meaningful, is looking at ourselves and asking why it is that we always, or often, show up late. Sometimes this happens out of a lack of self-regard, as if we aren't really important anyway, so why will anyone care if we're late, or don't show up at all. Chronic lateness can also stem from being disorganized, or simply trying to do too much in one day. Another possible reason for being late to a particular appointment, or date, is that we don't really want to be there. We communicate our disinterest or boredom by not showing up on time.

Whatever our reasons, if we raise them to the conscious level, we have an opportunity to live a more conscious life. As we begin to understand the deeper reasons behind our inability to show up on time, we have the option to communicate clearly and consciously about how we really feel, rather than communicating unconsciously by being late.

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