Today's DailyOM Offerings...

Dec 19, 2016 10:27

Carving Your Path
Sagittarius Horoscope
December 19, 2016

Your motivation to achieve the goals you have set for yourself can act as a source of encouragement today. You may see two or more paths before you--one will likely be unknown to you while the others are comfortably familiar. Yet while the former is likely untested and potentially perilous, it may also lead to the greatest rewards. If you are assertive in your approach to goal realization, you will likely find you can achieve more than you ever thought possible. Your path may be more difficult than those traveled by your peers, yet it will also be uniquely yours. The risks you take today can form the foundation of a fabulous and lifelong career or personal philosophy.

We can accomplish almost anything we set our minds to when we are assertive enough to carve out our own paths among the many prescribed paths that most people choose to follow. Success is that much sweeter when we have achieved it on our own terms and in our own unique fashion. We can take pride in the fact that we choose to become pioneers, moving carefully yet boldly down a road less traveled. Knowing that we did not bow to the rules others attempted to impose upon us can give us the confidence we need to face opposition and other challenges with courage in our hearts. As our belief in ourselves grows, we become even more assertively devoted to finding our own approach. When you see that you need not take the well-worn path today, you will learn to derive pleasure from experimentation.

The Gift of a Positive Image
by Madisyn Taylor

It is important that we all find people that believe in us just as we believe in others.

There are times in our lives when we may find ourselves facing challenges that can seem overwhelming. The situation or task we are struggling with seems hopeless, and it is easy to stop believing in ourselves, our goals, and our dreams. It is during these moments that it can be reassuring and reaffirming to turn to the people in our lives who do believe in us, especially when we are finding it hard to believe in ourselves. An encouraging word, a reassuring look, or hearing the words "I believe in you" from someone who matters can help us turn our situations around in an instant.

Everybody has someone who believes in them, whether this person is a teacher, parent, friend, loved one, or an employer. Often their belief can wrap us in warmth, bolster us, and offer us a supportive hand to grab onto until we can regain our own support. Having that special person who believes in our abilities and our worth is a wonderful gift. But when we are feeling unworthy, it may be difficult to take in something so precious. We may even feel like we need to do it all on our own and that we shouldn't be asking for help. However, in letting their belief and support impact you, you are acknowledging the part of yourself that knows you are worthy of trust and esteem. By allowing them to believe in you, your own belief in yourself and your abilities will start to emerge again. Borrow their vision, and you can make it your own.

If your special someone is not there to spur you on, you also can lift yourself up with the gift of a positive image. When you feel uncertain, you can create a vision of the future you desire that will serve as a beacon of light. To do so, simply imagine a future that is exactly as you'd like it to be. Imagine in detail how you feel, what you are doing, and how others are responding to you. Make your vision as real as possible, and allow your doubts to recede so you can focus solely on the goal you seek. The more intently you focus on the image of what you want, your belief in yourself will step to the forefront, making it easier for the universe to open up a path and guide you.

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