Today's DailyOM Offerings...

Mar 23, 2016 12:40

March 23, 2016
Manifest Your Perfect Reality
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope

You may feel ambitious today and prepared to do what it takes to bring about positive change. Maybe you’re rethinking your personal or professional goals and imagining what your ideal scenarios would be in these areas of your life. You might want to think about sitting quietly today to ponder how you’d like your life to look in the future. Project yourself to one month, one year, or five years from now. It may serve you to be as optimistic as possible as you consider the possibilities. Your thoughts and attitude will influence the quality of anything that you create in your life.

Optimistically assessing our goals allows us to affect positive life changes. There are no limits to the goals we can set for ourselves. Each different facet of our lives has the potential to grow and improve until they evolve into the grandest and noblest of our desires. If we can cheerfully search within ourselves to determine what it is we most desire, we place ourselves on the path toward manifesting that very reality. Our thinking, even in its most initial stages, is the launching point for every action we will take and every change that results. Take a look at your life circumstances today, be hopeful as you set goals, and you will manifest a wealth of positive life changes.

March 23, 2016
Tending the Hearth
Women’s Work

by Madisyn Taylor

The importance of tending the hearth that nurtures all who bask in its warmth is a beautiful thing.

In the recent past, the term women’s work has come to have a derogatory connotation. Women’s work encompasses all the domestic chores that have historically been associated only with women-cooking, cleaning, and raising children. Whenever a person is limited to only certain kinds of work in a society, there is a need to break free from that work in order to inhabit a place of choice. However, when we choose to do women’s work because we enjoy it, there is nothing degrading about it. There is an honor to it, and when done alone or in a group this work can be truly meaningful and fulfilling because the home is the foundation of security for all who live in it. The importance of tending the hearth that nurtures all who bask in its warmth cannot be overstated.

In addition to being essential to the functioning of the world, women’s work offers creative fulfillment, intimate interaction, and personal satisfaction. The more we become aware of the significance of this realm of labor, the more fulfilling it will be to those who do the work and those who benefit from it. A well-set table and a delicious, healthy meal can heal us on multiple levels. Clean, crisp sheets on a bed allow us to enter a deep slumber, inspiring a sense of safety and trust. Our mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health all rest upon the smooth functioning of our homes.

The gift of women’s work, which still often comes from the hands of women, now also comes from fathers, husbands, and hired help. Whatever the source, our sincere gratitude upon receiving these treasures reminds us of the profound value of what is traditionally known as women’s work. The more we acknowledge the tremendous importance of this work, the more we are able to do it with a sense of pride, never feeling for a moment that our efforts are less significant or meaningful than those working outside the home-on the contrary, it is this work that makes all other work possible.

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