Today's DailyOM Offerings...

Oct 30, 2015 14:07

October 30, 2015
Positive Energy Practices
Judith Orloff, M.D.

A licensed psychiatrist with appearances on Oprah to her credit, Dr. Julia Orloff brings her unique approach to combating stress to audio-book form with Positive Energy Practices. Regaling the listener with techniques and exercises to enhance positive energy, Orloff also takes a hard-line approach to what she terms "energy vampires”-friends and acquaintances, groups, crowds, family members, anyone who might unconsciously, or consciously, be draining you of energy. Types include the sob sister, the drama queen, the blamer, the constant talker, the go-for-the-jugular friend, and the outwardly nice socializer. Ever the patient medical professional, Orloff's measured speech makes a nice anchor for the sometimes shockingly aggressive tactics she advocates for clearing our friend roster of psychic vampires.

What Orloff makes clear in the first disc is that we have control over how much energy we give off. "You can amp certain energies up for some people, and you can tone down energies for others," she says. She then illustrates an array of ways to do this, such as pinpointing our finest qualities and emphasizing them in our day-to-day actions. A big question here is "Are you an intuitive empath?" Orloff describes this as someone who is so sensitive to energy that they get exhausted by it; being an energy sponge or shock absorber can make you exhausted. It can turn into a good gift to have, but you need to know how to use it, rather than having it use you, and Orloff can show you how.

Disc two concentrates on identification of the psychic vampires and the exercises you can use to free yourself of them, such as "Practice 7: The Constant Talker," who is easily identified as one who doesn’t "even pause for a breath so you can interrupt them." She notes that "constant talkers do not respond to nonverbal cues," so you must practice interrupting them. It's these little things that are so hard but that can be most important, and Orloff can help. In a self-help market crowded with overly generalized solutions, it's a thrill to find a care practitioner like Orloff who is so focused on these seemingly minor annoyances. With her help we can reclaim a lot of the energy we give away every day and never realize, and in doing so harness that energy for more complex and rewarding meditations and practices.

October 30, 2015
Keeping the Faith
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope

You may feel a number of closer relationships developing in your life today. Because you are likely in a faithful and considerate mood, you may have little trouble giving the people you care about the consideration they are due. Your commitment to the principles of love and equality can help you overcome any difficulties that may arise in your relationships, as your main focus will likely be on preserving the goodwill and respect that already exists between you and your loved ones. If you want to express the bulk of your devotion today, consider taking some time to compose letters of affection that will outline your feelings on paper.

The strong commitment we make in our relationships is meaningful because it influences our thoughts and actions even when our loved ones are not present. To be truly faithful is to consider the needs and desires of family and friends in those situations in which our desires do not represent what is best for the bonds important to our wellbeing. The choices we make will not necessarily always be advantageous to our loved ones, yet we will likely not make any decisions that will negatively impact the people we care about without thinking very carefully about the matters at hand. This level of dedication is a testament to the strength of the feelings that motivate us to stick by our loved ones no matter what. Your devotion will be apparent in all you do today when you give your friends and family the consideration they are due.

October 30, 2015
Vibrational Imprints

by Madisyn Taylor

Like you, the objects you encounter have stories to tell as the previous owners have left their vibrational imprint.

Because our bodies exude energy, we leave behind a vibrational imprint each time we touch or live in close proximity to an object. These imprints, which may be positive or negative memories, emotions, or impressions, can become part of the history of an item. Like you, the objects you encounter have stories to tell. Psychometry is the natural art of reading an object’s history in regard to the people and events it has encountered. The objects we associate with are by no means silent bystanders. A house in which a tragedy has occurred may feel cold or silent, while handling a much loved toy may make you feel good. It is widely believed that all human beings possess psychometric abilities. All objects vibrate at specific frequencies, and psychometry asks only that one tune in to those frequencies.

It is common to learn the art of psychometry by using items such as jewelry or a watch, because these objects spend much of their time in close physical proximity to its owners. Information sensed using psychometry usually has to do with an object’s owner and may be related to a location, a feeling, or an event. Emotions tend to be easier to sense, though it can take time and diligence to perfect your psychometric talents. To exercise your psychometric skills, relax and sit in a quiet place with your palms facing upward. Have a friend place one of their treasured possessions in your nondominant hand. Let your mind wander until you receive any impressions. Finally, relate what you have seen, heard, or felt.

By simply by holding an object in your hand or putting it to your forehead, you can sense an object’s past and vicariously experience the emotions, sounds, tastes, scents, or images that have transpired around it thus far. While psychometry is most often performed on small objects intimately connected to its owners, it is possible for humans to leave an imprint on a large object like a home or automobile and to receive impressions from these objects. Once you know an object’s story, you can release it of its memories or marvel at the wealth of information cradled within.

October 30, 2015
Ayurvedic Restorative Cream & more gifts
Gift of the Week

Ayurvedic Restorative Cream - Do you want radiant youthful skin without the harsh chemicals and synthetics? SDG solid serum is for you. Based on a traditional Ayurvedic formula from India, SDG includes plant based fatty acids, botanicals, and peptides to deliver luminous supple skin. SDG solid serum acts as a serum, moisturizer, and primer to help improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. SDG's formulation is appropriately balanced for all skin types.

Healing Mandalas Coloring Book - Mandalas are ancient symbols of wisdom, guidance, and spiritual connection. Healing Mandalas Coloring Book allows you to relax with these sacred circles finding peace, inspiration, and a new form of expression and connection to both the internal and external worlds. Best-selling Author, Sunny Dawn Johnston, in collaboration with Artist Lori Farrell, have created Healing Mandalas Coloring Book to support YOU in your healing process through these ancient symbols. The mandala is a symbol of the self, and in coloring one, it offers a connection and expression to our innermost thoughts and feelings. You can use these sacred circles as a meditative practice, a healing exerci! se in times of pain or crisis, an expression of feelings and emotions and of course the simple act of creativity.

Goddess Chakra Bracelets - Antique decorative silver plated cameo and chain hold the image of each Chakra Goddess. Three charms hang near the clasp and encompass the essence of each Chakra and include: a brass disc hand stamped with a power word, one gemstone, and a Tibetan butterfly.

Finding Your Life's Purpose [DVD] - On Finding Your Life's Purpose, the bestselling author of A New Earth invites you to discover the twofold intention of our human incarnation: to free yourself from the prison of "thought-based reality," and to express in your own way the grand vision that universal consciousness has for your life.

The Heart of Love [CD] - Kris Voelker has a passion for emotional songwriting and this album features songs that allow the listener to connect with their heart, open up to the angelic realm and explore their inner self. You'll hear favorites such as Just Breathe, Help Me, We Support You and I Am Open. This album also features several acoustic version bonus tracks so you can experience each song as it was performed during workshops with Internationally Acclaimed Author, Teacher, Speaker and Psychic Medium Sunny Dawn Johnston.

For more information visit: DailyOm Gift Shop

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