Today's DailyOM Offerings...

Jul 15, 2015 21:51

July 15, 2015
Healing the Inner Child
Monroe Products

Assist your adult self in healing difficulties from childhood with compassionate verbal guidance and Hemi-Sync® Return to a time in your childhood, where something occurred that was difficult, and still limits you in some way. With the aid of Hemi-Sync®, Lee Stone guides your adult self to remember and witness this event in a safe and detached manner. As you observe this experience, allow the wisdom and skills you acquire to bring healing to your younger self through understanding and support, integrating this into your life. Repeated use of this exercise can be helpful for continued healing and inner peace.

Music by Michel Genest.

Length: 34 minutes

July 15, 2015
Soul-Searching Discoveries
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope

You may be drawn to self-discovery today, which could shift your focus from the outside world to the world within. Perhaps your soul searching is the result of feeling that there may be more to life than you are currently experiencing. Inspiration may direct you to seek a more authentic life, which guides each of us along our own unique path. By following our deepest yearnings, we are sure to find the connection we seek. It may be the desire to pursue an artistic life or to love whomever you choose regardless of society's opinions. You may choose to follow a new course of academic study or investigate another religious tradition. You may choose to travel to the homes of your ancestors and learn about yourself through the history of your family. Wherever your quest for self-discovery leads you today, it will surely be worthwhile.

Sometimes the missing element we seek is a simple concept that shifts our perception and our experience. You could shift from complaining to gratitude or choose not to judge others and to send them positive thoughts. It may be the decision to change the channel or to turn off the TV entirely to create your own stories. You may seek new company and new stimuli. Maybe you need to connect to your old friends or to your old self. Whether you start a journal or a journey today, your eyes are now open to new experiences and deeper connection.

July 15, 2015
The Elderly Population
Embracing the Disinherited

by Madisyn Taylor

Our elderly population are our mentors, wise folk, and the pioneers that came before us and paved the way for our future.

In tribal cultures, the elderly play an important role. They are the keepers of the tribe’s memories and the holders of wisdom. As such, the elderly are honored and respected members of tribes. In many modern cultures, however, this is often not the case. Many elderly people say that they feel ignored, left out, and disrespected. This is a sad commentary on modernization, but it doesn’t have to be this way. We can change this situation by taking the time to examine our attitudes about the elderly and taking action.

Modern societies tend to be obsessed with the ideas of newness, youth, and progress. Scientific studies tell us how to do everything - from the way we should raise our kids to what we need to eat for breakfast. As a result, the wisdom that is passed down from older generations is often disregarded. Of course, grandparents and retired persons have more than information to offer the world. Their maturity and experience allows for a larger perspective of life, and we can learn a lot from talking to elderly people. It’s a shame that society doesn’t do more to allow our older population to continue to feel productive for the rest of their lives, but you can help to make change. Perhaps you could help facilitate a mentorship program that would allow children to be tutored by the elderly in retirement homes. The elderly make wonderful storytellers, and creating programs where they could share their real life experiences with others is another way to educate and inspire other generations.

Take stock of your relationships with the elderly population. Maybe you don’t really listen to them because you hold the belief that their time has passed and they are too old to understand what you are going through. You may even realize that you don’t have any relationships with older people. Try to understand why and how our cultural perception of the elderly influences the way you perceive them. Look around you and reach out to someone who is elderly - even if you are just saying hello and making small talk. Resolve to be more aware of the elderly. They are our mentors, wise folk, and the pioneers that came before us and paved the way for our future.

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