Jun 19, 2015 19:15

I will be holding the June free one card readings on Sunday, 21 June 2015 from 0900-1700 Pacific Daylight Time, aka Summer Solstice for those of us north of the equator.

There will be a drawing for a free reading, as usual, and everyone who gets a card is in the running. If you pimp, donate, or refer someone who's never done one of my draws before, you get an extra spot in the running.
  • pimp = 1 entry
  • $1-$20 tip = 1 entry
  • $21+ tip = 1 entry
  • each new referral = 1 entry]

I have about $50 in bills that need to be covered ASAP, so am hoping to get some tips to help out with that.

Feel free to pimp this far and wide.

Original post @ Dreamwidth with
comments. Commenting is welcome on either post.

crowdfunding, divination

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