Today's DailyOM Offerings...

Apr 20, 2015 16:47

April 20, 2015
Meditations to Change Your Brain
Rick Hanson & Richard Mendius

Rick Hanson is a psychologist, Richard Mendius is a neurologist, but both are also Buddhist scholars and the combination of eastern and western science is the unifying principle behind Meditations to Change Your Brain. Working toward the goal of "activating the underlying brain stems," this three-disc set is the result of their combined experience and research, focusing on the goal of making you "less stressed out, stronger, more able to concentrate, more tuned into your own body, more grounded in the world, and more at peace." Generously packed with helpful meditations and ideas for practice, this is the go-to guide for anyone who balks at the more spiritually based meditation programs. For these guys science comes first, and the empirical evidence they've accumulated is generously shared. At the same time those wary of a too clinical and medical approach will find Hanson and Mendius to be rooted deeply to a spiritual core as well.

Their contrasting styles make for engaging listening all the way through. Hanson's voice is light and nurturing while Mendius’ is more authoritative and resonant. Together they delve into the science behind eastern meditation and the meditation behind western science: "Recently, MRI scans have been done on Tibetan monks in a state of what's called samatha (deep meditation or prayer)," Mendius notes. "Three key areas appear to be most affected: orbital frontal cortex, anterior cingulate cortex, and the insular." The orbital "says what the task is at hand," the cingulate is located around the third eye and monitors performance. "When you meditate, (it) monitors how well you're staying focused." These areas of the brain also monitor the rewiring of the brain, like a city planners' meeting. When in deep meditation one can literally rewire one's thinking.

"Whatever we do in our outer world, we live in our inner world 24 hours a day," notes Mendius. "For true self-confidence it's really fantastic to know that you can actually intervene yourself, inside your own brain, to direct and change it for the better." You may already know some of this, but much of the information on this set will be new, especially in how meditation connects age-old mantras of the east with the neurochemical truths of science. And what counts is Hanson and Mendius’ ability to bring you deep into a trance so that they can plant their suggestions. This they do quite well. Not only will Meditations to Change Your Brain help you straighten out your neural pathways toward a more harmonious level of functioning, but you'll have plenty of material when you get in your next argument over the validity of spiritual teachings versus western science; everyone's a winner.

April 20, 2015
Rejuvenating Energy
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope

You may be feeling drained today, which might be because you are overexerting yourself. It could be that the desire you have to get everything done is causing your tiredness. If you can keep in mind that you will be much more productive if you take the time to work slowly and with awareness, you may be able to do your work without using all of your energy. Perhaps this would be a good time to rejuvenate your entire being by consciously taking meditation breaks throughout the day today. Should you notice that you are becoming tired with what you are doing, you can sit quietly, take a deep breath, and imagine that with each inhale you are bringing healing, soothing energy into your body. Even a few minutes of doing this could make a huge difference in how you feel.

Knowing when to rest is as important as the work we do. It is easy for us to get caught up in the idea that by doing more we will get more done. But if we go beyond our limits, we are actually using more energy than we have and, in essence, operating on a deficit. When we begin to recognize that our productivity comes from tapping into the unlimited energy supply of the universe, however, we alter the way we work so that we are actually giving as much as we receive. As you become aware of the need to replenish your energy, you will find that you have more strength to attend to your responsibilities today.

April 20, 2015
How Energy Moves at Home
Home Flow

by Madisyn Taylor

Keep the energy in your home vital by treating it as an important aspect of your life.

Our living spaces can become nurturing homes for our bodies and souls when we make sure that our surroundings accurately reflect who we are as individuals and who we aspire to become. No matter how positive and creative you may be in your inner world, if your home or work surroundings are contradictory or present energetic barriers, you are likely to find it difficult to manifest all that you desire. By paying attention to the flow of energy around you, you can align your inner intentions with your outer realities to make your life a conscious act of creation.

We can look to the ancient Asian art of feng shui for guidance. Since the words “feng” and “shui” mean “wind” and “water,” you may want to walk through your home and imagine the way these elements would flow through your space. You can evaluate whether or not your home is a balanced ecosystem that would allow a plant to flourish. A straight path between doorways would make nourishing elements rush right through, while a pleasantly meandering stream would instead create a flow that nurtures life. Look for signs of debris that might obstruct the flow of such a river. Clutter acts like hurdles placed in your path, blocking you from creating what you want in your life. Once the obstacles are recognized, however, they can be removed to let energy flow freely throughout your home and your life so that you can thrive.

Your home can be thought of as a symbolic metaphor for your life. A neglected space may correspond to a lack of growth in your career or personal relationships. By shifting your perception, you shift the way you direct your energy and attention, which can enable you to make the changes you need to actively create the life of your dreams. If you need some assistance, you can always turn to a feng shui practitioner, but the most important thing is that you understand what resonates with your core being in order to feel alive and nurtured by your home.

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