Today's DailyOM Offerings...

Mar 19, 2015 12:50

March 19, 2015
A Signifier of Solitude
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope

Feelings of annoyance can interfere with your ability to take pleasure in the time you spend with others today. Traits you once found endearing in loved ones can irritate you, leading you to question whether your relationships are as strong as you imagined them to be. However, your troubled heart and mind can find solace in solitude as it is likely that you simply need to reconnect with your inner self. If you have recently spent a great deal of time with family or friends, you may sense that you have lost touch with your own beliefs and opinions. Retreating into willing isolation today can help you get back in touch with the values that make you who you are.

Feeling irritated by the people we love most in the world is often a sign that we need to spend some time alone, away from the distractions of interpersonal relations, to reconnect with ourselves as unique individuals. Our regard for our loved ones can be intensely strong, and we tend to lose touch with our own values and opinions as we take those of the important people in our lives to heart. Yet the bonds of friendship and affection do not require us to give up our individuality. Indeed, we are better equipped to love and be loved in return when we regularly take the time to reaffirm our connection to what makes us unique. The irritation you feel today will gradually diminish and disappear when you retreat from the presence of others and enjoy the wonderful quietude of seclusion.

March 19, 2015
The Miracle of Change

by Madisyn Taylor

The sense of feeling bored in life can be an indicator that we need to be proactive in creating change.

Sometimes we feel that things aren’t moving along fast enough for us and that the world is passing us by. It may be that time seems to stand still and that we are simply bystanders in our own lives. Other times it might appear that there is nothing new left for us to experience and that we are locked into a never-ending cycle of stasis. If we take the time to listen to these feelings we will notice that there is probably more going on beneath the surface, like our apprehension to venture out into the unknown. By taking a new look at how we live our lives, however, it will be easier to break through our sense of boredom and enter into a more positive state of being.

When life seems monotonous, it is usually an indication that there is something we need to change. Boredom can easily lead us down the path to despondency. Acknowledging our feelings and then setting the intention to alter just one small thing in our life can give us a much more affirmative outlook. This act of change allows us to step outside of ourselves and discover new and exciting things that are often already present in our everyday lives. Simple things such as eating a healthier diet, taking a new class, or joining a club are all ways in which we can go beyond our comfort zone and explore the wonders that exist all around us. Keep in mind that the moment we do something different from our usual routine, the more fresh energy, hope, and blessings we will manifest in our life. What this means is that we’ll no longer see things as being tedious but will instead realize the preciousness of everything.

Being able to integrate these subtle changes on a daily basis allows us to recognize the miracles that are our lives. Even though we may think of change as doing something life-altering or drastic, gentle transitions from our habitual ways of doing things and an appreciation of all life offers us will truly bring about positive and lasting transformation.

March 19, 2015
Organic Natural Crystal Cream, Amethyst Healing Earrings & more
Gift of the Week

Organic Natural Crystal Cream - Crystal Cream is a yummy blend of actual tiny crystals, minerals, essential oils, flower essences, herbs and VibesUP's famous liquid crystal amplifying formula that can be you used for skin care or you may apply to the inside of your hands to bring more of natures miracle vibrations into any ENERGY work you may do. You may also apply to specific area that could use some vibrational TLC such as a Sore throat, knee, stiff shoulders etc.

Amethyst Healing Earrings - Approximately 1/2 of an inch in diameter, these amethyst earrings are great for healing the crown chakra, purifying, calming, and promoting spirituality. Amethyst has been highly esteemed throughout the ages for its stunning beauty and legendary powers to stimulate and soothe the mind and emotions. It is an excellent all-purpose stone that can increase spirituality and enhance intuition and psychic powers. Amethyst has a gentle sedative energy that can promote peacefulness, happiness, and contentment. Amethyst briolette stones with 14k gold wire.

Grace of Gratitude Journal - Find out how practicing gratitude each day using this full-color, beautifully illustrated journal will give you sustained peace of mind and joy in your daily life. This journal is filled with Tara Thelen's exquisite watercolor artwork and a sampling of gratitudes from author Deborah Perdue’s years of writing about the simple wonders she appreciates most in her own life. Readers are invited to record their thoughts of thanksgiving in the blank pages provided.

Open Sesame [DVD] - One of the world's most precious resources is at risk. This timely and emotionally moving film illuminates what is at stake and what can be done to protect the source of nearly all of our food: SEEDS. Seeds provide the basis for everything from fabric, to food to fuels. Seeds are as essential to life as the air we breathe or water we drink ... but given far less attention. It s not too late...yet.

Shakti - Mantras for Manifesting Success and Prosperity [CD] - Success is a state of mind. Prosperity is an overflowing of abundant positivity in your energy field. Whenever there is depletion in your energy field, you sense a lack, this manifests as poverty. Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world. These mantras will enrich your inner world, focusing and purifying the mind and body, allowing you to have a positive energy field. When your level of energy and desire reach its peak the result is success and prosperity.

For more information visit: DailyOM Gift Shop

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