Today's DailyOM Offerings...

Mar 02, 2015 20:36

March 2, 2015
Resist Nothing
Kim Eng, Eckhart Tolle

No Judgment, No Resistance - the Path to Liberation from the Pain-Body

Why do our negative experiences seem to stay with us so persistently? It is because they are the fuel for what Eckhart Tolle calls the pain-body, an energetic field that actually feeds on toxic thoughts and emotions. Liberation from the pain-body is not about repressing or denying our thoughts. Instead, as Eckhart's teaching partner Kim Eng reveals, we must develop a complete receptiveness to all experience - rejecting nothing, judging nothing, and resisting nothing.

On Resist Nothing, Eckhart and his teaching partner Kim Eng present essential wisdom and practices for dissolving the pain-body. Beginning with a 30-minute exploration by Eckhart into the nature of the pain-body, you will then learn five of Kim's most effective guided meditations and on-the-spot practices for clearing blockages, releasing unhealthy attachments, and becoming fully present in any situation. Join them to learn:

-- How the pain-body arises, what fuels it, and its role in the process of awakening
-- Healing at the physical, emotional, and subtle levels - guided meditations from Kim Eng for relieving suffering with spacious awareness
-- The Pointing Exercise - a key practice for dissolving our identification with the pain-body

Eckhart Tolle and Kim Eng teach that when we view the pain-body as a reminder to become more present, it can become a powerful ally in our awakening. With Resist Nothing, they offer an illuminating and practical program on one of the most important steps we can take on the journey to spiritual awakening.

2 CDs (2 hours, 22 minutes)

March 2, 2015
Time to Consider
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope

You may feel uncertain today, especially if you are faced with a choice that could have a major impact on your future. Perhaps you have the option of changing the nature of one of your relationships or the choice to take a new direction in some area of your life. If you are faced with many options and are unsure of how to proceed, consider giving yourself plenty of time to think. If someone is waiting for your response, feel free to say today that you need time to make up your mind. You may even want to make a list of the pros and cons of each choice. Or, you can simply sit and listen to how your body responds to your options as you mull them over. Your indecisiveness may also stem from the fact that it isn’t the right time for you to make a decision.

Taking time to consider our options allows us to make well-timed and well-informed decisions. Any decision we make will benefit from our careful consideration and patience. We have made the time to take all elements of a choice into account and consider its possible outcomes. We have also allowed ourselves to listen to our inner voice, which can offer us wisdom. Knowing that we have given ourselves ample time to make a decision, we can do so easily and confidently when the time is right. Consider your options slowly and carefully, drawing on what you know and how you feel today, and you will make the best choice when the time is right.

March 2, 2015
How Fear Blocks Creativity
Protecting Your Flow

by Madisyn Taylor

Unlock your creativity by checking on the fear that is creating the block.

To understand how fear blocks creativity, take a moment to imagine yourself telling a story. First, imagine telling the story to someone you love and who loves you. You probably feel warmth and energy as you fill in the details of your tale to your friend’s delight. Now, imagine telling the same story to someone who, for whatever reason, makes you uncomfortable. The wonderful twists and turns, the fine points and colorful images that unfolded in your mind for your friend probably won’t present themselves. Instead of warmth, energy, and creativity, you will probably feel opposite sensations and a desire to close down. When we feel unsafe, whether we fear being judged, disliked, or misunderstood, our creative flow stops. Alternately, when we feel safe, our creativity unfolds like a beautiful flower, without conscious effort.

Knowing this, we can maximize our creative potential by creating the conditions that inspire our creativity. In order to really be in the flow, we need to feel safe and unrestricted. However, achieving this is not as simple as avoiding people who make us feel uncomfortable. Sometimes we can be alone in a room and still feel totally blocked. When this happens, we know we have come up against elements in our own psyches that are making us feel fearful. Perhaps we are afraid that in expressing ourselves we will discover something we don’t want to know, or unleash emotions or ideas that we don’t want to be responsible for. Or maybe we’re afraid we’ll fail to produce something worthy.

When you’re up against fear, internal or external, ritual can be a powerful-and creative-antidote. Before you sit down to be creative, try casting a circle of protection around yourself. Visualize yourself inside a ring of light, protective fire, or angels. Imagine that this protective energy emanates unconditional love for you and wants to hear, see, and feel everything you have to express. Take a moment to bathe in the warmth of this feeling and then fearlessly surrender yourself to the power that flows through you.

daily om

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