The Gratitude Meme

Jan 14, 2015 13:14

I've been having a rough day today, so it seems appropriate that I do this today.

If you'd like to do this meme, please feel free...

  1. What are you most grateful for when you first wake up in the morning?
    I suppose I'm most grateful, upon waking, for waking up. For having another day to try to do something good.
  2. What are you most grateful for when you go to bed at night?
    That I survived another day? That I have a roof over my head, food in my belly, and people who apparently want me around?
  3. Who is the person who has had the most influence on your life?
    Honestly, I guess it would be my mother. And before you start saying "Oh, isn't that sweet", know that I don't necessarily intend this to be a positive thing. She's had the most influence on me because she helped to shape the beliefs I have about myself, and there are some not-so-good ones that figure strongly in the mix.
  4. Is there someone you'd like to thank for something special they did for you but haven't yet? Take the time to do it in this meme.
    This is actually hard for me to do, because I'm not comfortable doing it publicly.
  5. Who was your favorite or least favorite teacher? If you could talk to them now, what would you say?
    I had so many favorite teachers through my years in school. The one I'd love to talk to the most is Sharron. She was the first one that really took the time to make sure I'd be okay. I'll forever be grateful to her.
  6. Do you say grace at mealtime?
    No, I don't. At least I don't in the typical Christian sense of saying grace. I am grateful for all of my food.
  7. Name one thing you take for granted every day.
    Doggie. End of story.
  8. Have you ever looked back at your life and realized that something you thought was a bad thing was actually a blessing in disguise?
    Oh, there are several things along those lines. I honestly wouldn't change a thing from my past, good or bad, because it's all shaped the person I am today.
  9. What are the top five things you are most grateful for in your life?
    • Doggie
    • my health what there is of it
    • my creativity
    • my friends
    • my spirituality
Source: (x)

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memes :: 2015, personal updates

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