Today's DailyOM Offerings...

Jun 17, 2014 16:48

June 17, 2014
Music for Healing
Steve Halpern

Music touches our hearts and resonates within our bodies. The right music can truly renew us, helping us to feel relaxed and rejuvenated. Great musicians have always recognized this therapeutic power of music, and researchers are finally proving them right. The Sound Medicine Series features the works of inspired musical pioneers who are exploring music’s healing power.

Music for Healing Mind, Body, and Spirit
Your body is a self-healing instrument. If you give it a chance, it will always tend toward homeostasis or healthful balance. Sound healer Steven Halpern uses soothing and free-floating keyboard compositions to draw the body into this state of balance and harmony.

Combining artistic inspiration, sensitivity, and sophisticated sound technology, his compositions synchronize the hemispheres of the brain and amplify the production of alpha brainwaves. This natural response is associated with feelings of deep relaxation, contentment, and well-being.

Steven Halpern, PhD, stands at the leading edge of the growing public understanding of the relationship between music, body, mind, and spirit. An internationally acclaimed composer and recording artist, Halpern has produced over 60 recordings and authored several books.

His music has been featured on 48 Hours, America’s Talking, and in USA Today, the New York Times, and Yoga Journal. Halpern’s recordings are used in hospitals, healing clinics, and leading spas worldwide.

June 17, 2014
Impermanent Emotions
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope

Your moods may swing today for no apparent reason, and this could leave you feeling frustrated and out of sorts. Even if you don’t understand the reasons for your changing emotions, perhaps you can work on simply coping with your feelings. Throughout the day you could check in with yourself and name your emotions. For example, if you feel angry, pay attention to your breath and repeat to yourself, “I am angry and I honor this feeling.” You might even place your hands over your heart as you do this. Continue breathing and being with the emotion, watching as it both gains and loses strength. You may notice when observing your feelings that they constantly fluctuate. This might help you realize that you do not need to identify the cause of your feelings since your emotions are always changing.

Naming our emotions helps us recognize that they are impermanent. When we feel bad it is easy to think that our mood will never change. Our minds trap us into believing that our negative emotions are our true state of being. By becoming aware of the changing nature of our feelings, however, we begin to understand that our thoughts and feelings never remain the same. With each second a feeling may gain in intensity or transform itself altogether. Realizing that everything changes will allow you to cope with your emotional shifts today, because you will understand that with nothing to cling to your negative feelings will lose their power over you.

June 17, 2014
Without a Net
Living Life with Trust

by Madisyn Taylor

When we continually live our life with a safety net it creates a barrier to our freedom.

As we create the life of our dreams, we often reach a crossroads where the choices seem to involve the risk of facing the unknown versus the safety and comfort of all that we have come to trust. We may feel like a tightrope walker, carefully teetering along the narrow path to our goals, sometimes feeling that we are doing so without a net. Knowing we have some backup may help us work up the courage to take those first steps, until we are secure in knowing that we have the skills to work without one. But when we live our lives from a place of balance and trust in the universe, we may not see our source of support, but we can know that it is there.

If we refuse to act only if we can see the safety net, we may be allowing the net to become a trap as it creates a barrier between us and the freedom to pursue our goals. Change is inherent in life, so even what we have learned to trust can surprise us at any moment. Remove fear from the equation and then, without even wondering what is going on below, we can devote our full attention to the dream that awaits us.

We attract support into our lives when we are willing to make those first tentative steps, trusting that the universe will provide exactly what we need. In that process we can decide that whatever comes from our actions is only for our highest and best experience of growth. It may come in the form of a soft landing, an unexpected rescue or an eye-opening experience gleaned only from the process of falling. So rather than allowing our lives to be dictated by fear of the unknown, or trying to avoid falling, we can appreciate that sometimes we experience life fully when we are willing to trust and fall. And in doing so, we may just find that we have the wings to fly.

When we believe that there is a reason for everything, we are stepping out with the safety net of the universe, and we know we will make the best from whatever comes our way.

daily om

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