A couple of fannish memes...

May 20, 2014 15:17

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Check my fandom list via my tags and comment here with one fandom. I will tell you the following:

• The character I first fell in love with
• The character everyone else loves that I don't
• The character I love that everyone else hates
• The character I used to love but don't any longer
• The character I would totally smooch
• The character I'd want to be like
• The character I'd slap
• A pairing that I love
• A pairing that I despise

gacked from

Give me a character and/or fandom that I have in some way been involved in, and I'll answer the questions about that character and/or fandom.

These are the questions I will answer for characters:
How I feel about this character:
My het ship:
My fem/slash ship:
Any OTP:
My non-romantic ship for this character:
Any unpopular opinions?
My favourite plot-line for this character:
Something I wish would/had happened to this character:
A crossover ship or interaction I would love to see for this character:
A head canon fact:

These are the questions I’ll answer for fandoms:
Favourite characters:
Funniest character:
Prettiest character:
Most badass character:
Most annoying character:
My favourite thing that has happened so far:
What I would most like to see happen next:

Original post @ Dreamwidth with
comments. Commenting is welcome on either post.

fandom stuff, memes :: 2014

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