Today's DailyOM Offerings...

Dec 17, 2013 15:02

December 17, 2013
Alpha Relaxation System
Dr. Jeffrey Thompson

Embedded in this musical soundtrack are pulses of sound that activate alpha brainwave patterns, leading you to healthful and enjoyable states of relaxation.

-- Based on over 20 years of pioneering clinical research
-- Experience beautiful and soothing musical compositions and 3D sounds of nature
-- Easy to use with headphones or ordinary speakers
-- Contains no spoken words or subliminal messages

Reduce Your Stress and Tension

Listen to this program in the background during any activity to enjoy states of deep, healthful relaxation. These are the deep alpha states that EEGs show are attained consistently by experienced meditators.

Dr. Jeffrey Thompson’s pioneering work has led to groundbreaking discoveries in how sound frequency patterns built into musical soundtracks induce brainwave entrainment. Fortune 500 companies, healthcare professionals, clinics, hospitals, meditation groups, and individuals worldwide use Dr. Thompson’s many audio programs for deep relaxation, healing, inner exploration, and meditation.

December 17, 2013
Breaking down Walls
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope

Feelings of doubt can eat away at your confidence today, causing you to question whether your interactions with others will play out as anticipated. You may begin to question the intentions of your friends, relatives, and colleagues, particularly where matters of great import are concerned. As a result, you may find you have difficulty opening up to those with whom you need to cooperate today. To quell your suspicions, you may need to take a leap of faith and trust the individuals you encounter. They will likely live up to your trust and prove themselves to be thoughtful, honest, and hard working people whose goals are similar to your own.

Trusting others until they give us reasons to doubt their intentions allows us to work and play with people in the various spheres of our lives with open hearts and open minds. It can be difficult to connect with those already occupying the outskirts of our souls, and we seldom feel we can speak or act freely. To effectively collaborate with or even get along with others, we must approach our interactions with a willingness to share our thoughts and feelings. We cannot veil the products of our minds, as doing so will prevent us from merging our thought processes to develop wholly new, jointly shared perspectives. Sincerity provides us with the tools we need to come together as true partners. Your suspicions will vanish today, allowing you to cooperate with others when you choose to have faith in their honesty and integrity.

December 17, 2013
Residing at the Helm
Being Your Own Village

by Madisyn Taylor

Sometimes we need to be our own village, utilizing all of our skills and learning more.

Simple survival requires us to be in possession of many skills. The pursuit of dreams requires many more. Most individuals rely on the support of a village, whether peopled by relatives or community members, to effectively address the numerous ways we need assistance. This can mean anything from asking favors of acquaintances and leaning on loved ones for support to paying a skilled artisan to handle specialized tasks. However, each human being is born with the capacity to be their own village. We embody many roles throughout our lifetimes, all of which are representative of our capacity for self-sufficiency and self-determination. In different moments in our lives, we are our own counselor, janitor, caregiver, cook, healer, teacher, and student. Our willingness to joyfully take on these roles grants us the power to maintain control over the direction our life’s journey takes.

In times past, human beings learned all of the skills needed for survival. Today, the majority of people specialize in a single discipline, which they hone throughout their lives. Thus, many of us feel uncomfortable standing at the helm of our own existence. We question our ability to make decisions concerning our own health, happiness, and welfare, and are left feeling dependent and powerless. But the authority to take ultimate responsibility for our lives is simply a matter of believing that we have the necessary faith and intelligence to cope with any circumstance the universe chooses to place in our path. Proving that we can each be our own villages through action enables us to accept that we are strong enough to exist autonomously. Cooking, cultivating a garden of fruits and vegetables, undertaking minor home repair, or adopting a healthier lifestyle can help you reassert your will.

Being your own village does not mean embracing isolation, for a balanced life is built upon the dual foundations of the inner and the outer villages. Rather, being your own village is a celebration of your wondrous inner strength and resourcefulness, as well as an acknowledgment of your innate ability to capably steer the course of your life.

daily om

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