Today's DailyOM Offerings...

Nov 12, 2013 12:24

November 12, 2013
Chakra Balance
David & Steve Gordon

Let go of stress and immerse yourself in sacred healing sound. The specially composed brain tones and frequencies in this brainwave music allow you to heal and align your chakras, bringing you into a state of total relaxation and inner balance. Vibrational blocks and areas of resistance are dissolved as you are left completely calm and filled with inner peace.

Award-winning artists David & Steve Gordon have over 30 years of experience in creating music that can heal body, mind and spirit. The Gordons composed each song in a state of meditation so that the music on each song expresses the energies of each chakra. The songs on the album are divided into two sections so you can enjoy either two short meditations or one longer and deeper meditation. The album can be used either as a soothing chakra meditation to create brainwave entrainment or as a healing soundtrack for yoga, massage, reiki and sleep.

November 12, 2013
A Giving Spirit
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope

You may feel your connection to your fellow human beings more intensely than usual today. As a result, you will likely feel obliging when it comes to sharing your resources with others. While you may distribute a portion of your bounty to those in need, your first priority may be the well-being of the people you care about in your professional and private spheres. Your sympathies will likely be awakened today as you realize the grand extent to which your loved ones rely on your for comfort and support. The pride you feel upon coming to this understanding can inspire you to take a deeper interest in the affairs and needs of the individuals most important to you.

The gifts of time and energy we give our loved ones in the spirit of selfless generosity are the ones with the most potential to touch the hearts of these special individuals. It is precisely that we are willing to accommodate the needs of these important individuals when drafting our own personal and professional schedules that we can send such a powerful message regarding the depth of our tender feelings through simple action. There can be no doubt regarding the strength of our love when that emotion prompts us to devote a portion of ourselves to the care of the people we care most about. They, in turn, recognize the importance of this type of gift and receive it with appropriate reverence. Your giving spirit will inspire you today to share your tender feelings with your loved ones by being there for them when they need you.

November 12, 2013
Divorce with Grace
A Life-Altering Decision

by Madisyn Taylor

If you are divorcing, look to your inner heart for guidance and surround yourself with loving friends.

Like the act of marriage that binds two people together, divorce is the result of a life-altering decision. It is the dissolving of a relationship that we believed would last our whole lives. We may not even be able to articulate how we got to this place, yet we may also feel we have no choice but to sever this tie. Whatever we feel, we need the support of the friends and family who will stand by us no matter what we decide. At some point, we may need to be challenged to look deeper inside ourselves as we make this very important decision, but what we need most of all is unconditional love and loyalty.

Divorce is a process that, once in motion, becomes difficult to stop, and this can be painful if we find ourselves having second thoughts. We may feel that we should do more to save the marriage, or we may wonder if there is something about ourselves that we could fix or change instead of going through with this painful separation. On the other hand, we may be seeing in hindsight that our marriage was truly only meant to last for a short time so that we could learn something we needed to know. Whatever the case, we need friends who will allow us to linger in confusion when we don’t have the answers and who will support us whether we find ways to reconcile and stay married or whether we walk away.

Of course, the most essential ally we have lives inside our hearts and speaks to us from within. We can trust this inner guide to help us choose people who will support us in kind and loving ways as we navigate the rough terrain of confusion and loss. Sometimes all we can do is look to the horizon, remembering that we will get through this time, and no matter what happens we will once again feel whole.

daily om

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