Inner Child Secret Santa 2013

Nov 11, 2013 11:00

Note :: So this is the ninth year of playing ICSS! Can y'all believe it? I think I look forward to this almost more than anything else for the holiday season.

Because it was a mostly rousing success the past eight years [only 1 person flaking out each of the first two years that I can remember], I've decided to do the Inner Child Secret Santas again this year.

Below is the information, pretty much pulled directly from the last eight years, but with the changes for this year....

Okay kiddies...It's getting to be that time of year again....

Rather than the usual Secret Santa gifts, I want to do something else...something more unique....

Hence, the Inner Child Secret Santas...

Basically, you decide if you want to join, then you drop me a comment saying you're interested and send me an email [ariestess @ dw or lj] with the following info ::
* Your DW/LJ name
* Email Address [for verification]
* Your snail address [including the name you want it sent to]
* Do you want to send/receive internationally?
* Any pertinent "Inner Child" info you may want your Secret Santa to know [likes/dislikes, allergies, etc]
In fact, here's a handy dandy textbox with the info for you to use…
Your LJ Name:
Email Address:
Your snail addy:
Do you want to send/receive internationally?
Pertinent Info:

Example ::
Your LJ Name:
Email Address: ariestess @ dw
Your snail addy: [will be in the info you get]
Do you want to send/receive internationally? Yes!
Pertinent Info: My inner child [whose name is Emily] likes coloring, stickers, stuffed animals, silly putty, little games & trinkets of all kinds, candy [just nothing with aspartame in it], Dragon Booster, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic [we LOVE Fluttershy], Disney movies, Gargoyles, Miyazaki movies, Don Bluth movies, anything purple and/or sparkly, donkeys & dronkeys... Pretty much anything a 4-5 year old girl would like.

When I get all the people interested, I'll be matching up Santa and Santee and send off the info to the Santas...

So what's involved?

It's pretty easy, actually.

Once you decide you want to play, you send me the info above by 11:59pm PST on Friday, 15 November 2013. Then I'll match everyone up and send out the Santa info to the person who will be your Inner Child Secret Santa. "Assignments" will be posted by Saturday, 16 November 2013. You then have approximately 11 days to fulfill your Santee's request and have it ready to ship by Wednesday, 27 November 2013 [the day before Thanksgiving in the US]. This will hopefully ensure that everyone gets their Inner Child Secret Santa gift by Friday, 6 December 2013, aka St Nick's Day.

So here's what will be involved in the ICSS gift. You only need to spend $5-$10 US [or your country's equivalent] on gifts that would amuse a child of 5-10 [ie. your inner child]. This money includes something to hold your gifts [a little stocking and/or gift bag/box or a large Pringles can]. Examples of gifts include the following :: coloring books and crayons, candy, little "trinket toys", Pez dispensers/refills, etc.

To clarify :: You have the option to buy a large Pringles can, clean it out, decorate it, and then fill it with gifts for your Secret Santa recipient. Ship it out to your recipient and wait to get yours!

If there is something along these lines you MUST have or CANNOT have, please add it to the snail addy info you send to me and I will pass it along to your ICSS.

When you open your gift on St. Nick's Day, post in your journal what you got and who it was from. If you want, you can take a picture to post to the list.

Obligatory comment from
shatterpath: It's like Sandy Claws!!! *hahahahahaha*

So....anyone interested?

All comments are screened if you want to leave the info here instead of emailing me...

Original post @ Dreamwidth with
comments. Commenting is welcome on either post.


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