So 15 people voted in my little poll for NaNo. It was pretty much a 2:1 ratio of votes, and I'll be working on the untitled lesbian selkie romance this year. Thank you to everyone who actually voted and helped me out.
My wordcount is okay today, but not stellar. Given that I had a nasty headache that was turning into a migraine, I'm happy with what I have.
Actually, I'm working on several projects this month, but the primary focus is this particular novel. So it's NaNo, Writer's Digest's "Poem a Day" 2013 Chapbook challenge, and the RP over on twitter. If anything else comes up, I'm sure I'll comment on it at some point...
And while I'm at it, I've decided to reinstate the Gratitude Project. So I'll be doing 5 things I'm grateful for each day here and in my paper journals. I'll try to do them each night before I go to bed, but I may do them first thing the next morning. We shall see...
Today's Gratitudes
shatterpath is always there for me
- My adopted kid Olivia is still with us
- My cats know when Mama needs a little loving
- The combination of Italian sweet cream & Peppermint Mocha creamers in my coffee
- My nightly "babbling brook" white noise that sounds like rain
I'm going to do my free one card draw on Monday. It'll celebrate a combination of Samhain, Day of the Dead, Diwali, and the new moon. I"m not 100% sure of the times, but I'm guessing 0900-1700, like usual. Feel free to share this info with your friends. Pimping will, once again, get you an extra card. I'd like to make a goal of $100 in donations, so that I can guarantee to get some necessities [toiletries, new socks & undies, material for making warmer sweats, etc] that
shatterpath and I need without having to use all of her birthday money to get them.
Original post @ Dreamwidth with
comments. Commenting is welcome on either post.