Today's DailyOM Offerings...

Jun 03, 2013 09:53

June 3, 2013
Mindfulness for Beginners (2 CD Set)
Jon Kabat-Zinn

As founder of the Stress Reduction Clinic at the University of Massachusetts medical center, Jon Kabat-Zinn teaches mindfulness meditation, ideal for stressed-out people who avoid anything with a spiritual or New Age flavor. This is the final medical result, with Zinn teaching mindfulness as a meditation practice—sitting quietly without judgment, observing things, and letting the phenomenon of perception manifest in the listener's being. No matter how attuned to the nature of the spirit we think we are, it's the modern human's innate tendency to put on blinders, to filter out all but the information the ego needs to make its fight-or-flight decisions. Zinn's approach is to counsel us toward a way back out of this sensory prison, back to the enjoyment of the beauty inherent in all things. Through the two discs of Mindfulness for Beginners—continually narrated sans music in Zinn's relaxed, fatherly voice—this process becomes easy, relaxed, and pleasurable.

The first CD focuses on the rudiments and theories behind mindfulness, which Zinn describes as "Paying attention, in the present moment, as if your life depended on it." In attaining full awareness, the training involves learning to suspend judgment and the desire to label and dismiss. "The irony of all this is that, even when someone comes to the medical center with something wrong with them, is that we're already whole." Zinn teaches us to move beyond fragmenting our world into inner and outer, this or that, to see the energies beyond the forms and to stop judgment.

The second CD takes us into the realms of practice with different meditations, including the "Eating Meditation," which should be ideal for anyone with any sort of eating disorder: "See if you can have a couple of raisins on hand," Zinn notes. He encourages us to see the raisin in its pure form, free of attachment to the name of "raisin." "Notice its surface features, colors, shape...." In doing this, Zinn helps us to stop eating unconsciously. From there we move into ever more advanced exercises, from awareness of the body to objects and sounds and finally to "Mindfulness as Pure Awareness." A superb gateway into the realms of higher understanding, Mindfulness for Beginners would make a perfect gift for that stressed-out loved one who shies away from yoga or for any open-minded listener looking for positive instruction.

June 3, 2013
Results from Respect
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope

You may find that you are overly dramatic when responding to others today. You could also feel that your needs are being neglected, and these feelings could cause you to overreact in an effort to gain attention. You might want to step back from others and engage in some quiet reflection time by yourself today. This could lift your mood and help you feel more balanced. Taking time to nurture yourself and build your self-esteem can help you to feel more loved and appreciated. While you can still expect respect from others, they will more likely give it if you already respect yourself. Your need for attention is a need that only you can give to yourself.

When we work on our personal development and cultivate self-respect, our relationships can only benefit. Rather than harboring unrealistic expectations of what others should provide for us, we can turn within and foster our own sense of self-esteem and wholeness. When we respect ourselves, it shows through in every interaction we have with others. They, in turn, treat us with the same level of respect that we give ourselves, and our relationships become stronger, more mature, and more meaningful. We also learn to meet our needs because we honor ourselves. Choosing to go inward and honor your needs today will calm your emotions, ease your frustration, and reflect positively on your relationships.

June 3, 2013
Focusing Our Energy
Fulfilling Energetic Investments

by Madisyn Taylor

Being fully present with all that we are, we can experience each choice fully and make the most fulfilling choices.

As modern life makes a wealth of information and opportunities available to us, we may find ourselves torn between a wide variety of interests and projects. Our excitement may entice us to try all of them at once, but doing so only diffuses our energy, leaving us unable to fully experience any of them. Like an electrical socket with too many things plugged into it, we may be in danger of overheating and burning out. But if we can choose one thing at a time to focus all of our attention upon, we can make the most of our life-force energy, engaging ourselves fully in the moment so that it can nurture us in return.

Our attention can be pulled in many directions, not only in our own lives, but by advertising, media, and the hustle and bustle of our surroundings. But when we take the time to listen to our inner guidance and focus our thoughts on the goals that resonate the most strongly within us, the rest of the world will fade away. This may mean focusing the spotlight of our attention upon developing one aspect of our work, one course of study, or one hobby to pursue in our free time, but it doesn’t mean that we have to stay focused on only one thing forever. We may never know which of our interests is best suited to our abilities and heart’s desires unless we give it a proper chance. By being fully present with all that we are and all that we have, we can experience each choice fully and make the most fulfilling choices for our energetic investments.

Because we are multi-faceted beings, we are perpetually involved in many aspects of life in every moment. Our work in the world is necessary to attend to our physical needs, and our relationships are important for our emotional needs, but when we engage our spirit as well, we can choose the area that will nurture body, mind and soul. Staying focused in each moment allows us move with the rhythmic flow of the universe and harmonize all aspects of our being into balanced whole.

daily om

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