It's a new month, so I'm going to do a bit of a reboot in my journals. I've fallen out of use with them over the year or so, and that needs to change. So I'm going to start doing more journaling, both here and in my paper journals. So expect more than just the DailyOMs here. There will be some memes and quizzes, as I have some backlog that I need to work through. Some of them are more than a year old, oddly enough, but I've held onto them for a reason, so I'll post them, damn it!
I'm going to work on a "State of the AJ" post this weekend. Hopefully I'll have that up tomorrow, Monday at the latest.
Part of this decision to reboot with my journals is because I've begun reading
Journalution: Journal Writing to Awaken Your Inner Voice, Heal Your Life, and Manifest Your Dreams by Sandy Grason. So far, the information is mostly on getting started in journaling, a lot of basics that I already know. I'm hoping it gets better the further in I get. But there's a fantastic quote of sorts that Grason starts the book with that I thought I'd share here, as it's exactly what I am hoping to do with my journaling reboot.
1. the act of revealing inner wisdom through writing
2. the act of cleanings emotional blocks through writing
3. journal writing to produce or further radical change from within
4. a process for becoming frree from confusion or doubt
5. a process for discovering or shining in one's passion and purpose
6. a journey from one place to another [ie. from where you are now to the life of your dreams]
This makes me think about ways to change how I journal, both online and offline. It's aimed more at the offline paper journals, but I think it'll work for my online journaling, too. We'll see how this works out with time. I've a few other journaling books, mostly geared toward art and/or mixed media journals, which I plan to combine with the whole smashbooking phenomenon for some of my paper journaling. Again, we'll see how this goes.
Original post @ Dreamwidth with
comments. Commenting is welcome on either post.