Today's DailyOM Offerings...

Sep 28, 2012 12:47

September 28, 2012
Kings & Queens of the Forest
Kira Willey

Anyone who practices yoga and has children will want to bring Kings & Queens of the Forest by Kira Willey into their lives. Her warm purr of a voice will remind parents of the adult alternative folk they listen to for relaxation after dropping the kids off at nursery school, while the upbeat, kooky lyrics about hopping crickets, airplanes, ice cream, deer, cake batter, and ocean spray will keep kids enraptured and dancing for hundreds of listens. A certified yoga teacher, Willey has an instinctive ability to issue quick movement instructions through her songs: "Twist, twist, spin around! Freeze!"

Willey got started by writing and singing songs to help her young daughter fall asleep, and one of those songs is clearly the gorgeous "Mama Nature." With its gentle acoustic guitar, flute solo, and softly layered vocals, it’s sure to bewitch adults and sooth children in equal measure. As much as it's recorded for kids, "Mama Nature" is the sort of song that's instantly endearing, a precious tune that was clearly written and recorded in a state of pure maternal grace that's palpable whatever one's age or disposition. "Little Deer Isle," on the other hand, taps into the giddy excitement kids feel about summer getaways: "Every year / We come here / When the weather gets warm / We can't wait / Countin' down the days / Til summertime."

The second disc repeats the songs in the background of a yoga class for kids with mostly spoken-word instruction recorded with a full, giggling and gleeful group of kids in the background. The results are sometimes hilarious, as the kids are excited and all over the place while Willey is always serene and engaged, smartly blending poses with chances for the kids to let go. The yoga version of "Tap My Drum" finds Willey asking the kids to go to sleep one minute and then "sit up tall with your legs straight out in front of you / Grab your drums and some sticks" the next. If the kids don't have a drum, any old surface will do.

True to the concept of a family affair, Willey’s cousin produced Kings & Queens of the Forest, her daughter and brother sing along, and kids from the neighborhood chime in as needed. It's easy to feel part of the chaos as Willey holds the center with her patience, grace, and sultry spark, making this a perfect disc for the whole family to relax, sing along, and twist, twist, spin around to.

September 28, 2012
Honoring the Lessons
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope

You may be in a reflective mood and have a desire to ponder the ways your childhood experiences have affected your life today. You may be working through blockages caused by past trauma or trying to overcome prior conditioning that resulted in limiting beliefs. With the right focus, you can release yourself from the bonds of your past while still honoring the positive effects they’ve had on you. One good way to do this is to make a list of the more difficult experiences you’ve had in the past. Then take a few moments to review this list and identify a positive quality from each experience. When you honor the lessons for their contributions to your life, you will free yourself from negativity and enhance your positive focus today.

Acknowledging the positive benefits of our painful experiences allows us to embrace the lessons they offer, while freeing ourselves from the bonds of trauma. Rather than allowing our memories of pain to paralyze our emotions, we can choose to recognize the ways these experiences have contributed to who we are. By doing so, we are able to lift our consciousness above the pain and see ourselves as divine spirits that are unable to be truly harmed. This helps free us from the memories of pain and allows us to feel stronger and more in control of creating better life circumstances in the future. With a small shift in focus, you can begin to see your past experiences as nothing more than valuable lessons that made you who you are today.

September 28, 2012
Aging Parents
The Cycle of Life

by Madisyn Taylor

When we begin to deal with parents that are aging, it can be a good time to examine your life together and familial past.

For most of us a natural part of the cycle of life is when our roles as children start to shift from that into caretaking roles where are parents are concerned. This can be as major moving a parent into a retirement facility, or coming to the realization that it’s necessary to check in with them more often than usual. Whatever the case, such a shift is momentous as it signals a time of confronting our own mortality as we confront that of our parents. In addition, it can bring up issues about how well they cared for us when we were young. We may also find ourselves consumed with fear at the thought of losing them, even if we’ve been on our own for a very long time.

Talking to other friends and family who are going through similar experiences can be a large source of support. They can help us look at both the unresolved past and the unfolding present, and we are free to talk only about ourselves. Sometimes we need the kind of undivided attention a friend can offer in order to deal with the material that comes up at this time of our lives.

In many ways, this time of life signals a rebirth as we examine our individual past, as well as our familial past. As our parents’ lives move toward completion, we are able to see what they did with their time on earth, what we have done so far with our time, and what we might want to do with the time we have left. These challenges and blessings are all part of the cycle of life.

September 28, 2012
Energy Healing Bracelet, Natural Crystal Cream & 3 more gifts!
Gift of the Week

Energy Healing Bracelet Gift Set - Attract more love, health, and abundance into your life with our Healing Energy bracelets. Wear one of these gemstone bracelets infused with high vibrational energies to help draw these qualities to you. The liquid crystal coating on each bracelet contains over forty plant oils and therapeutic tiny gem spheres, acting like an antenna to help us tune into and attract the specific energy of that bracelet into our lives. Wearing them makes it easier to hold a higher vibration, and can assist in transforming and healing negative energies and blockages in our bodies. Working like natural batteries, the coating sends out pulses of energy, constantly recharging and clearing! the bracelets and anything you place near them. Use in conjunction with your healthy lifestyle and positive affirmations. This gift set includes an Amethyst Love bracelet, coated with the frequencies of love for ourselves and from others, a Quartz Health bracelet, coated with the frequencies of health and wellness, and an Aventurine Abundance bracelet, coated with the frequencies of abudance and prosperity. 6.5" elastic cord stretches to fit most wrist sizes.
Energy Healing Bracelet Gift Set

Organic Natural Crystal Cream - Vibrational Therapy For Skin care, Energy Work or Specific Areas that need TLC. Aging has everything to do with Vibrations, the lower something vibrates the faster it deteriorates. Feel the buzz, Crystal Cream raises the vibrations of you and your was nick named at the famous New Life Expo as the BUZZ CREAM because people were walking around telling others their hands were buzzing from sampling. Apply to Face neck and hands or anyplace that needs some extra good energy. Crystal Cream is a yummy blend of actual tiny crystals, minerals, essential oils, flower essences, herbs and VibesUP's famous liquid crystal amplifying formula that can be you used for sk! in care or you may apply to the inside of your hands to bring more of natures miracle vibrations into any ENERGY work you may do. You may also apply to specific area that could use some vibrational TLC such as a Sore throat, knee, stiff shoulders etc.
Organic Natural Crystal Cream

Relaxation Zone [CD] - Gentle rolling rhythms, atmospheric grooves, soft percussion and a touch of didgeridoo invite you relax into the moment. Charting a new direction, Dean Evenson has put down his flute for this album to create these lovely keyboard compositions that are uplifting as well as comforting and supportive. The resulting ambience is perfect for healing arts practitioners and others who have been asking him for music with a little more rhythm but still with that signature ‘Evenson’ mood.
Relaxation Zone [CD]

Star Dreams [DVD] - A 85 minute documentary which shows the circles themselves for all to see and presents the top crop circle researchers. Investigating the over-all assumption of hoaxing, balls of light, sacred site connection, media and people's reaction to the phenomena, and outlining the basic understandings arrived at so far. Images of the major crop circles, interviews with top researchers and a narrative line dealing with the mystical aspects of the phenomenon. Many are now coming to believe these mysterious symbols, appearing all over the planet (more than 11,000 since 1980), are a communiqué to humankind allowing a greater human consciousness to emerge.
Star Dreams [DVD]

The Forgiveness Solution [book] - Dr. Friedman emphasizes in this book that at the root of almost all emotional problems (depression, anxiety, guilt, anger, sadness, rage) is unforgiveness (grievances, judgments and attack thoughts)-- towards others, ourselves, our circumstances, God, anyone or everyone. The chapters in this book will address each of these aspects of forgiveness through a series of powerful exercises and processes that include journaling, affirmations, imagery processes, relaxation/meditation, and some work with energy and spiritual healing. Sometimes these processes and techniques will trigger quantum and sudden positive shifts in you, sometimes the changes will be more gradual! . There is no right or wrong way for any of this to happen. However it happens for you is the right way.”
The Forgiveness Solution [book]

For more information visit DailyOM Gift Shop

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