gacked from
luscious_words [back before she changed her journal name, so a LONG time ago]
If you have children (or pets) how did you choose their names?
Current Pets
- Leo :: Our oldest cat, Leo, just turned 10 last month. He was originally found by
shatterpath's ex at 4 1/2 weeks old. His mother was feral and weaned him EARLY. Leo was named after John Spencer's The West Wing character, Leo McGarry. What amuses me is that he's got the same personality most days. LOL! He even has the squinchy old man smelling poo face that the character would do often. I think he was appropriately named. We did try to rename him Apophis [from Stargate SG-1] early on, but that just didn't stick at all. His main nicknames are Old Man and Leo-Butt.
- Stasia :: Stasia will be turning 9 next month. In September, we'll have had her for 8 years. She was a rescue adoptee after we lost Toby [we didn't keep her co-adoptee]. When we first saw her, she was a little skittish, but had such a regal air about her, so I named her Anastasia, after a favorite OC in LWM. It was definitely preferable to her original name of "Baby". Since then, she's proven to be not of the same temperament as the character, but doesn't often get called by her full name either. Her main nicknames are Stasia, Fat Ass, Princess, and Sybil.
- Gabe :: Gabe just turned 6 in April. We got him right before we moved to Bremerton. When he was a kitten, he had the stripe down his spine like donkeys have, as well as a goddess symbol on his forehead. They're both still there, just changed a bit. We named him Gabe, after another favorite LWM OC whose nickname is the Archangel Gabriel. Gabe really doesn't suit his namesake at all. He's a coward and a bully. *rolls eyes* His name nicknames are Puppy-butt and Puppy. If there are others, I'm blanking on them atm...
- Elphie :: The baby of the family just turned four last month. We got her from ardvari, who named her Elphaba because she was black and had green eyes. The baby has certainly lived up to certain aspects of her namesake. LOL! She has a variety of nicknames, more than anyone else, including Elphie, Falfus, Falfie, El Fabulous, Falfa-butt, Fab, Crazy Eyes, and Demon Child.
Past Pets
- Cats :: Ahh, my departed kitties...
- Toby :: My Toby... I've talked about him so much over the last 8 years since we lost him. He truly was my soulmate in so many ways. I still tear up to talk about him. He was another stray that
shatterpath's ex adopted. He was supposed to be Leo's buddy, and was named after Richard Schiff's The West Wing character, Toby Ziegler. This was because he was totally white, with a big splotch of charcoal grey fur between his ears. We called it his reverse bald spot. LOL! When we'd tried to rename Leo as Apophis, Toby would have been Teal'C. Yeah, that didn't work so much. LOL! My boy was pretty much just called Toby or Puppy. He might have also gotten Puppy-Butt, but I don't remember for sure anymore.
- Ripper & Mama Fina :: When I was living with Lorre, she and her ex-husband had adopted a black cat that was named Ripper, after the alter ego of Anthony Stewart Head's Buffy the Vampire Slayer character, Rupert Giles. Ripper was an awesome, badass black cat. After the ex-husband moved out, she found another cat through a coworker/fellow grad student [I don't remember which anymore] that needed a home. The cat was a former barn cat, and had become very happily transitioned to an indoor cat. Her name was Serafina, and I always called her Fina or Mama Fina. She was my first real juju kitty, and the Mama Fina nickname came because she had that vibe of an old Voodoo priestess about her.
- KJ, Anni, B'Ela :: When I lived in San Antonio, I had three cats, all of whom got rehomed. KJ was the kitten that the exes got me, and they kept her when I moved out of their lives. KJ was named after Kate Mulgrew's Star Trek: Voyager character, Kathryn Janeway. Anni and B'Ela were also named after Star Trek: Voyager characters :: Jeri Ryan's Seven of Nine [nee Annika Hansen] and Roxann Dawson's B'Elanna Torres. They were litter sisters, half tabby and half Siamese. They had the points [silver/blue in Anni's case and red in B'Ela's case], but also had FAINT tabby stripes in the same colors. They were a fascinating pair of cats, to say the least. I wish I had pics of them.
- Dogs :: I've had a few dogs in my lifetime. Paco, Toby, and Tommy were all named by my parents. Maverick was named by my stepdad, and his full name was Maverick of the St. Lawrence. He was a fantastic dog, and I would love to get one of his descendants one day. Daisy belonged to the exes, who also kept my Sadie [I renamed her that after finding out it was her original name upon release to the pound].
- Rats :: All of our ratties were named after LWM characters. And no, I'm NOT going to start trying to name them all off here. Wait! Let me rephrase that. All of the ratties we kept were named after LWM characters. The litters we bred to adopt out were given theme names, which was based on
shatterpath's research into MWDs for LWM. Some of the themes I remember were Star Trek: TNG, CSI-related terms, female poets... Okay, those are the only three I can remember, though my ex ended up renaming the ones she adopted from us with X-Men names.
- Fish :: The fish also tended to get LWM names. It's a thing with us, okay? *g* And no, I'm not listing off all of them either.
- Birds :: This would primarily be Togapi and Pikachu,
shatterpath's finches. We had some other finches, both purchased and bred, but the only thing I remember of their names was Norse gods and goddesses for names. There are also the pair of finches I had way back when, named Samhain and Solstice. I miss them...
Original post @ Dreamwidth with
comments. Commenting is welcome on either post.