{memes} Seven Random Things, Part 11

May 08, 2012 11:16

flaming_shadow asked the following questions ::
  • Which muses apart from LWM have you written for the most? It depends on the fandom(s) I'm currently into at any given time. There are fandoms that I would swear I wrote a lot for but, after checking my fic folders, didn't. There are others that I thought had next to no fic, but actually wrote more than I'd expected. Even looking at my fic index doesn't necessarily give a good cross-section, simply because there are some fandoms that simply have a lot of drabbles.

    But overall, I think it's probably Alex/Rachel from Poltergeist: the Legacy that I've written the most for. Granted, their stories are considered part of LWM, but still... They're definitely my all-time fannish OTP. that's for sure.

  • When you write, do you just let it flow, or do you need an outline of sorts? I do a bit of both, actually. It depends on the story and the muses. At one time, I tried to do the rigid outline for stories process, and actually suffered for it. I can't have that much rigidity and inflexibility in my creative projects. I normally will have a general idea of where I want the story to go when I start writing, but I also allow for the organic "seat of the pants" style of writing, particularly on shorter stories, which the muses adore. I've learned a lot about my characters that way...

  • How do the "bigbang" communities work? In general? Or for me?

    In general, big bangs allow people to write longer pieces of fiction, a format that's popular with a lot of readers. And usually, they'll get some sort of artwork to complement their stories. Which is always an awesome thing to have. It's like getting a prize or award for finishing the story.

    For me, it's a chance to work on some of the longer story ideas I have, with the added bonus of an external deadline. Note that I didn't include the complementary artwork, as I don't always get it. I'm used to that, and I never actually expect the artwork because I like to work with fandoms and characters that aren't as popular with the vast majority of artists that tend to sign up for big bangs. Occasionally, it will bother me, but I've learned to mostly ignore that and just concentrate on my story.

  • Do you have a certain type of music you associate with your spirituality? No? There's a wide variety of music that I listen to, and there are bits and pieces from all of it that fits aspects of my spirituality. For the longest time, back when I was a baby Wiccan, I thought I had to associate ONLY Pagan and Celtic music with my spirituality. But that doesn't always work for me.

  • What is your favorite thing about being here? Here on DW/LJ? Here on this planet? My favorite thing about being on this planet is being alive to experience it. What greater thing could there be? As for being here on DW/LJ, I like the ability to have met a lot of fascinating people that contribute to the good and bad in my life.

  • What is your favorite hobby? Procrastinating. *veg* Just kidding... Probably crocheting, to be honest. Of all the crafty hobbies that I have, I adore crocheting the most. It's very portable, moreso once I memorize a pattern that I like to make. I'm starting to get a few commissions on things I make, which is lovely. And my friends and family definitely benefit from my joy of crocheting and creating things with yarn and hook.

    Writing is another of my favorite hobbies, though that's such an integral part of who and what I am, I'm not sure it counts as a hobby anymore...

  • What's your favorite thing to read? Yes? LOL! I love reading pretty much anything I can get my hands on. I love fantasy fiction, some historically-based fiction [the First People book series by the Gears comes to mind here], and reference books. Books about writing as a craft always work for me. And I absolutely love reading books on religion, practically any religion. I have a not-so-secret love of anything about Judas Iscariot and Mary Magdalene, among others in the Judeo-Christian faiths. In fact, one of the books I'm chewing my way through very slowly right now is called The Other Bible, and it includes a lot of texts that weren't included in the Christian Bible, as well as texts from the Torah, Koran, and the agnostics. I've not gotten too far into it yet, just the introduction out of a 700+ page book [in paperback even!], but I'm curious to see what all it will have.

Original post @ Dreamwidth with
comments. Commenting is welcome on either post.

hobbies, memes :: 2012, writing, books, crochet

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