morgwensraven gave me the following questions...
- What drew you to tarot? Initially, I think it was a combination of the symbolism and the idea of portable divination. And I can't deny that there was a part of me that liked the idea of doing something that members of my family might consider "evil". Consider that a bit of teenage rebellion. *g* But it really was the symbolism of the cards that drew me in. My very first deck, bought in 1989, was a standard Rider-Waite deck. I still have that deck somewhere in this house [it's in my travel juju kit that has been misplaced]. I had a really strong connection to that deck for a number of years, and wouldn't use any others. Then other decks came creeping in, and now I have more decks than I probably should be using. LOL!
- What has been your favorite TV show EVER? Character? My favorite TV show ever is Poltergeist: the Legacy. hands down. I loved it, even with all of its warts, from the pilot to the finale. There was a kind of fascination with the supernatural aspects of the show that just sucked me in. Even the cheesier plots made me happy, as long as I could watch it. I have found a way to get the entire series on DVD, and can continue to rewatch it to my heart's content. I feel like, outside of a handful of other stories, I am the only person writing femslash for this show. Sometimes that bothers me, as I would love to read more fic for my girls, but I also know that not a lot of people necessarily know my fandom. And with only the first 2 seasons are commercially available on DVD and don't get me started on the exorbitant pricing that Amazon's charging for the MoD 2nd season discs, it's difficult to get people to watch the source material and get interested in my girls and my show.
As for my all time favorite character ever? That's a tough one... I think my first favorite character was probably Nora from Pete's Dragon. I do believe she started my obsession with redheads. *heh* Then, for a long time, it was Pam Ewing from Dallas. After her, it went to Kimberly Brady Donovan from Days of Our Lives [Patsy Pease version ONLY]. Eventually, it changed to a combination of Deanna Troi and Beverly Crusher from Star Trek: the Next Generation. When PtL aired, I was instantly smitten by Alexandra Moreau, followed quickly and almost equally by Rachel Corrigan. Janet Fraiser from Stargate SG-1 was my favorite for a long time. She's still one of the major muses "in charge" muses in my head. Calleigh Duquesne from CSI: Miami ranks pretty high on my list, too. I think it now boils down to a matter of degrees of favoritism. I have a lot of favorite characters, and that list can be fluid and change with time and mood. But of all of them, I'd say that Alex and Janet pretty much rule my roost.
- As a fellow recovering Lutheran, what has been your biggest challenge with spirituality? Finding a balance between ritual and beliefs. When I started out on the pagan/wiccan path, I went all out for the big fancy rituals that were planned out well in advance, complete with music. I would make all of these great, grand gestures, because that's what I thought spirituality in that path was all about. Over the years, I've veered farther and farther from the pomp of it all and do things very organically and fluidly now. A lot of my rituals are done on the spur of the moment, or with a general outline of what I want to do. But gone are the days of meticulously planning things well in advance. I've gotten a lot more organic in the way I do my rituals now, it's far more of the "part of everyday life" for me now, even if I'm not practicing every single day like that. I often will do little rituals of thanks for food I eat or various other situations that I feel would benefit from them.
I've also struggled with the concept of group worship vs. solitary worship. With very few exceptions [mainly working with my chosen family], I have always been a solitary practitioner. There have been times I have wanted the camaraderie of a group or coven, but I dislike the politics that tend to be involved. When I got my first degree conferred upon me in 2002, I was told by my matron goddess that I would be starting a new tradition with my soulmate. At the time, I thought it was the woman I was involved with. When that relationship went south, all thoughts of creating said tradition went right out the window. Ten years later, I'm wondering if I'm still not supposed to start that tradition, but based on where my spirituality is now. It's something I'm still pondering, but haven't had the guts to discuss with my primary deities yet.
- What deity do you work with the closest? Poseidon and Ariestess, hands down. The Old Man and His daughter are incredibly special to me, to say the least. And yes, my matron goddess' name is Ariestess. She has been with me since 1989 [that I know of] and is a daughter of Poseidon. There are a couple of minor details that I know of Her life and story, but She has promised to tell me more when the time is right. They are both water deities, and I have serious affinity with water. They've both been the deities that have stuck with me the longest and strongest, though a variety of other deities have worked with me and taught me things.
- What is your favorite quote from Babylon 5? Pretty much anything that Ivanova ever said, to be honest. But if I really have to pick just one? "I think I loved Talia" would have to be the top of the list. It made my happy little shipper heart explode...
- What is your favorite book?Why? Like the favorite characters, I have a lot of favorite books. But my first favorite book was either Charlotte's Web or Trumpet of the Swan, both by E.B. White. I got them in a trilogy with Stuart Little from my parents for my 8th birthday. I devoured all three, but those two I will continue to go back to even now. I found another copy of the exact same trilogy I'd gotten [my original set was lost -- long story] a couple of years ago, when I gave a set to my nephew for his 8th birthday. I've tried to reread them once a year ever since.
- Favorite movie? Why? Again, I have a lot of favorite movies, depending on my mood, that I'll go back and watch repeatedly. I think my very first favorite movie was Pete's Dragon. I remember that my parents bought the soundtrack album and a little record player as Christmas presents for my sister and me, and I played that album to DEATH. I had all the songs memorized when we finally went to see the movie in the theater, and my mother kept having to tell me to be quiet because I was singing along with the songs. *heh*
Original post @ Dreamwidth with
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