{memes} Seven Random Things, Part 4

Feb 20, 2012 19:35

miintikwa gave me the following questions ::
  • How 'out' are you? I'm incredibly out, both as a pagan and as a lesbian. I came out as pagan in 1994 and as a lesbian in 1995. Since then, I have only willingly lied about who and what I am for 2 people [my nephew's grandparents]. But after nearly 14 years of knowing them, I think they've suspected things about me. Other than them, I have never hidden who and what I am, not even when I lived in Texas and could have been denied housing and employment for it.

  • What's your dream vacation like? Having enough money to totally enjoy myself without having to keep track of every single penny. I can't really relax on any trips if I have to keep track of what we spend...

  • What business goals do you have for this year? Really it's just a matter of getting more recognition and some sales under my belt. Actual tarot reading sales, professional writing sales [though I have to submit things to get those, I know], other craft-related sales. I would love to be able to be a self-employed person and work from home, but I'm not finding the right kind of work to be able to do so yet.

  • Personal goals? Stay healthy, get married without too many hitches, complete projects that make me happy, go to my brother's wedding, get through all of my stuff and downsize. There are probabaly others, but these are the main ones...

  • Where do you dream of living? The Oregon coast or California wine country. I'm good either way.

  • What's your favorite book, that you read over and over again? There are a lot actually. The three major ones are The Fall of Atlantis by Marion Zimmer Bradley, The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley, and E.B. White Box Set by E.B. White, which consists of Charlotte's Web, Stuart Little, and The Trumpet of the Swan. The E.B. White trilogy was the first set of books that were my favorites, from the moment my parents gave them to me for my 8th birthday.

  • What's your latest musical obsession? You mean, besides the Boots and Cats song? *veg* Bound For Severance, which is my little brother's band. Other musical obsessions lately have included Within Temptation and the OBC recording of The Book of Mormon.

Original post @ Dreamwidth with
comments. Commenting is welcome on either post.

music, memes :: 2012, books

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