{memes} Gratitude Project :: Day 29

Nov 29, 2011 22:29

Today I am grateful for being home.

I'm only home for a week this time, because of shifting my time in December due to Yule/Christmas and the nephew's school break. And then, I'll have about 3 1/2 weeks off that I'll be at home before I head back down to Oregon in January.

I love doing this job. I love helping out my nephew and his mom. I love that I can totally make Lorre's day by cleaning all of her travel mugs on a regular basis, so she doesn't have to clean one in the morning while getting ready for work. It takes me just a few moments to do it, and it makes her life easier. Of COURSE, I'll do it. Just like I do dishes and help make sure the nephew does his chores and his homework. It's why I go to Oregon.

And yeah, I get frustrated on my trips because I'm not at my house with my things and my booties and
shatterpath. But I do get over that, because I get to have a lot of bonding time with the boy that I don't otherwise get very often.

But yes, right now, I am grateful to be home for the time I can be home, which will include my birthday.

The train trip home ended up having me get into Tacoma 25 minutes late. There was an older couple that talked INCESSANTLY on the trip from Salem to Portland. I could hear them between the tracks playing on my iPod, and sometimes I could hear them OVER the tracks playing on my iPod. And then, the trip from Portland to Tacoma had them sitting at the table next to me! *sighs* But they were relatively quiet on that leg of the trip. I ended up doing a little crocheting, but mostly slept as I was suffering from a vague sense of motion sickness. And I ended up getting a really great idea for a Susan/Talia Babylon 5 story for my smallfandombang requirement. Suffice it to say that Within Temptation is involved, and we'll leave it at that for the present moment...

And now, I really should be heading bedward...

Original post @ Dreamwidth with
comments. Commenting is welcome on either post.

trips, writing, gratitude project, family [chosen]

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