{memes} Gratitude Project :: Day 49

Sep 19, 2011 11:27

Today I am grateful for easy walks.

0630 came awfully early this morning, particularly since I was being stubborn last night about finishing
shatterpath's hat. *rolls eyes at self* So I didn't head upstairs until like 1230, and then it took a little while to get to sleep because of a cop car in the parking lot/alley below with its lights flashing. At least there wasn't a siren at all. But yeah, I kind of tossed and turned a bit, getting used to Will's bed. And then 0630 came all too soon for my tastes. LOL! But the walk over to Will's school is easy, level, and only takes about 8-9 minutes tops each way. Lorre said she thinks my full circuit each day of going back and forth for drop off and pick up is about a mile of walking. Woot! That gives me a 40 minute mile. Yeah, that's probably slow, but you know what? I don't care. It's a mile a day that I'm walking on school days. I'm happy with that. I'm not happy with the higher temps during the days -- it's about 10 degrees hotter here than at home -- but that's what fans are for, right?

This post was backdated because of lack of internet while watching my nephew.

Original post @ Dreamwidth with
comments. Commenting is welcome on either post.

memes :: 2011, trips, health updates, gratitude project, crochet

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