{memes} Gratitude Project :: Day 47

Sep 17, 2011 11:20

Today I am grateful for the kindness of strangers.

The train trip as a whole was pretty easy and problem-free. I do have to figure out a way to go without using the rolly backpack, as it was pretty heavy and the overhead storage is really high. Thankfully, there was a guy going to Eugene that helped me get it up into the overhead storage in Tacoma. Somehow gravity and I managed to get the thing down again in Albany, though he did ask if I needed help in getting down again.

As I said, the trip itself was pretty uneventful. I had a nice young guy sitting next to me, and we talked for about an hour or so before he wandered off to use the wifi or something. We discussed music, and I let him listen to one of the tracks from Bound For Severance [“Burial of the Saints”], which he said was very well executed. I think I have have converted him with just that one song. He wrote the band's name in his phone, so I'm hoping that means he'll buy their CD.

The only other major thing that happened was that we got delayed by about 15 minutes just north of Salem, while we had to wait for a northbound freight train to go past first.

This post was backdated because of lack of internet while watching my nephew.

Original post @ Dreamwidth with
comments. Commenting is welcome on either post.

memes :: 2011, trips, gratitude project

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