{memes} Gratitude Project :: Day 25

Aug 26, 2011 00:10

Today I am grateful for sunscreen.

We went out to the Point No Point Lighthouse beach so that
shatterpath and amyrayh could try to catch some salmon while they're running. Apparently the Coho and Pink salmon are currently running up there. So after amyrayh got done with work, we headed out there. The place was PACKED, so we had to park in the overflow parking for the first time in five years of going out there. Thankfully, it was a relatively easy walk, so I didn't mind. And yes, before we left the car, I put some sunscreen on my face, neck, forearms, and ankles [the rest of me was covered by clothes]. I did NOT want a repeat of Sunday's sun poisoning, that's for damned sure!

amyrayh &
shatterpath took turns fishing initially, then they both fished at the same time. While they fished, I started crocheting another little toiletry bag, this time out of some really pretty pink baby yarn. Outside of weaving in ends and making the tie, I got the bag done in the 90-ish minutes we were there. Which is woot! Also while there, we got to watch a quartet of osprey flying and hunting. In fact, we got to see a couple of them actually dive to get something in the water. I know one got a fish, for sure. There was also a very cheeky harbor seal out in the water. He'd pop up here and there, sometimes rather close to where the fishermen [and there were a couple dozen or so out there] were dropping their lines. It was amusing, and he was gorgeous! The harbor seal in my icon is not the one we saw today, but is similar in coloring to the one we saw.

We did take a few pictures, but I haven't checked them on the computer yet to see if they're any good or not.

It was a lovely afternoon, very relaxing and cool. And on the way home, we stopped at Central Market to get pizza and a slaw dog for dinner. Yum!

Original post @ Dreamwidth with
comments. Commenting is welcome on either post.

washington's natural beauty, memes :: 2011, gratitude project, crochet

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