{memes} The Fridays!

Aug 13, 2011 00:04

fannish5 :: Name your 5 favorite fanon "facts".
  1. Babylon 5 :: When Control took over, Talia wasn't really gone for good. She was just deeply suppressed.
  2. CSI :: When Sofia went to work in Boulder City, she still lived in her condo in Vegas and commuted.
  3. The Division :: In part, Jinny drank and slept around because she didn't know how to deal with her attraction to women.
  4. ER :: Elizabeth was always bisexual in that "I don't care about packaging" way, but slept with men because it was more beneficial to her career.
  5. Leverage :: The "real name" that Sophie gave to the team isn't necessarily her real name, just one of the personnas she's had the longest and is closest to.

thefridayfive :: Hygiene
  1. What brand and format of hand or body soap do you use? Clean & Clear's medicated foaming facial wash
  2. What sort of shampoo? Nature's Gate Herbal Daily Shampoo
  3. How do you shave or remove unwanted hair? Shave, but will tweezer if it's just a couple of hairs.
  4. What brand of deodorant or anti-perspirant do you use? Degree, usually the Shower Clean or Sheer Powder
  5. What kind of toothpaste do you use, and why? Tom's of Maine or one of the sensitive ones

Original post @ Dreamwidth with
comments. Commenting is welcome on either post.

memes :: 2011

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