Bits of fun...

Jul 31, 2011 23:58

Slept like the dead last night, though I woke up sore and tired again. But it's only been 2 days since I passed the stone, so I'm not surprised that my body's still a little sore and exhausted.

Got a bunch of stuff done today, which was nice. Still not 100% caught up on everything, but that's okay. It'll all get done with time. I just wish LJ would fix the issue with the 500 internal errors for longer posts, as it's really fucking hard to get things caught up for femslash_today when I can't post a proper update at all. *growls* As it is, it took me 7 hours to compile a post of 88 links between the 29th to the 31st, and I didn't get them all. I certainly didn't get everything that's missing since the last update, thanks to the DDoS attacks. But I made an admin post on the comm about what we'll be doing to help get the updates going again...

Went shopping with
shatterpath and amyrayh today. That was actually a lot of fun. First off, I have had a serious case of the random giggle attacks ever since that damned stone passed Friday night. And when I get giggling, it sets off
shatterpath, which makes me giggle even more. It's a fun, circular "argument" that we both adore, even if amyrayh rolls her eyes and shakes her head at us. We got some needed groceries and then went to this fun little general store that also does catering and makes FANTASTIC ice creams! We shared some mint chocolate chip, death by chocolate, and bubblegum [3 separate cones], which were all scrumptious. The bubblegum was my favorite and turned my mouth blue. *giggles*

Dinner was fresh fried calamari rings and veggies. Over the weekend, amyrayh and
shatterpath managed to catch 60 little squid. The largest had a bell about 5.5" long [full body length of about 9"], and most were smaller than that. But they made some damned tasty calamari rings. We cooked about 1/3 of the 3.5lbs of squid caught tonight, and will cook the rest tomorrow night. Mmmm...

And now, I think it's time for me to be a smart Spotty and head to bed. I'm rather exhausted, and I have stuff I need to be doing tomorrow...

Original post @ Dreamwidth with
comments. Commenting is welcome on either post.

personal updates, health updates, kitchen witchery, misc lj shit

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