
Jul 09, 2011 23:45

So I've already completed the first draft of 6 of the 35 stories I want to write for IDoF. I'm pretty damned proud of that, too. 3083 words written in the last 24 hours. Not too damned shabby. I've done better, and I've done worse. What matters is that I got 6 stories completed. *g*

For those who are interested, there are still 14 fandoms that don't have prompts yet. If you want to offer some prompts for me to use, you can do so on DW or LJ. Whichever is easiest for you. If you want to leave a prompt for a fandom that is already claimed, go ahead. But if the fandom's crossed out, I've already written that story.

And now, I think it's time for me to get my Daily Pages written and head bedward...

Original post @ Dreamwidth with
comments. Commenting is welcome on either post.

writing, idof 11, writing prompt memes

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