Today's DailyOM Offerings...

Jun 24, 2011 22:00

June 24, 2011
Connect & Heal (Meditations for Transformation)
Snatam Kaur

Yogi and musician Snatam Kaur began studying Sikh traditions from age two, brought up by parents who believed that kundalini yoga and Sikhism were key spiritual elements necessary in life at any age. When she was barely a toddler, Kaur began accompanying her parents to classes by kundalini yoga master Yogi Bhajan. Chanting upon waking up became a daily routine for her. At age five she began her formal musical training by studying the violin. The breadth of Kaur’s musical training included daily kirtans (call-and-response chants) with her family, multiple trips to India to study meditative music, and coaching from the Grateful Dead’s Bob Weir. In addition to cultivating her musical skills, she spent years cultivating her mind. Kaur holds a degree in biochemistry and spent as much time teaching yoga and chants as she did learning science and music.

Kaur’s career ultimately culminated as a musician, with an obvious emphasis on chanting and teaching, and her solo career remains fruitful. To this day Kaur teaches children’s yoga classes and meditations, and performs regularly at impoverished schools. Her recorded music also acts as a course in itself, providing listeners with meditational guides. Her Meditations for Transformations series is discs of concentrated, 31-minute meditations, and her second album in the series, Connect and Heal, is specific to spiritual connection as a means of healing. The meditations are intended to be tried for at least 40 days, which is, according to Yogi Bhajan, the amount of time it takes to break a bad habit. In 90 days a new, positive habit will be formed.

The album begins with the meditation “Guru Guru Wahe Guru,” which praises the spiritual guru Ram Dass, and calls for his guiding light and protection. The only thing that can make this mantra even more soothing is Kaur’s reassuring voice, which has a tone that is benevolent and maternal. Guitars and tabla add gentle embellishment to a voice that stands on its own. The second meditation “Teree Meher da Bolanaa” is one that Yogi Bhajan used to do before his classes. This mantra also praises Ram Dass, this time asking for knowledge, wisdom, and the ability to accept it, which is an incredible part of healing. Kaur’s voice is slightly more submissive here. She acknowledges her own guru by singing a poignant meditation that rings true to us all, no matter our spiritual level.

June 24, 2011
Nurture Your Talents
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope

You might feel like doing something different today that may draw upon your many talents. Perhaps you want to engage in some form of creative activity that uses your gifts to their fullest. Organizing or hosting an event or starting a new project around the house could be ways for you to focus on your creative side while also doing something practical and interesting. Before starting your projects today you might consider reflecting upon what you most like to do. Thinking about this could give you ideas for incorporating activities into your day that use your creative and intellectual resources. This approach can be stimulating and inspire you to seek new and innovative approaches to your projects.

Doing activities that fully utilize all of our talents nurtures every aspect of our being. Many of us have numerous tasks we do because of our obligations and responsibilities. While we are able to complete these activities, they are not always things that stretch us beyond our limits. Knowing what we have a knack for motivates us to move in new directions and gives us the desire to develop ourselves. When we are engaged in our lives in this way, we are using everything that we have been given to bring joy and pleasure to our lives and the lives of those around us. By trying something today that makes full use of your gifts, you will nurture and nourish the creative and talented side of your self.

June 24, 2011
Warning Signs
Paying Attention to Red Flags

Red flags often come in the form of feelings urging us to pause for a moment, listen to our intuition, and reconsider.

Just as the universe wants to provide for our needs, it also seeks to protect us from dangerous situations, destructive relationships, and even minor inconveniences. Frequently in our lives, perhaps everyday, we encounter psychic red flags warning us of potential problems or accidents. We may not always recognize the signs. However, more often than not, we may choose to ignore our intuition when it tells us that “something just isn’t right.”

Red flags often come in the form of feelings urging us to pause for a moment, listen to our intuition, and reconsider. We may even experience a “bad” feeling in our bellies. This is a red flag letting us know that there may be a problem. We may not even know what the red flag is about. All we know is that the universe is trying to wave us in a different direction. We just have to pay attention and go another way. We may even wonder whether we are paranoid or imagining things. However, when we look back at a situation or relationship where there were red flags, it becomes easy to understand exactly what those warning signs meant. More often than not, a red flag is not a false warning. Rather, it is the universe’s way of informing us, through our own innate guidance system, that our path best lies elsewhere.

We may try to ignore the red flags waving our way, dismissing our unease as illogical. Yet it is always in our best interest to pay attention to them. For example, we may meet someone who outwardly seems perfect. They are intelligent, attractive, and charming. Yet, for some reason, being around them makes us feel uneasy. Any interactions we have with them are awkward and leave us feeling like there is something “off” about the situation. This is not necessarily a bad person. But, for some reason, the universe is directing us away from them. Red flags are intended with our best interests at heart. No harm can ever come from stopping long enough to heed a red flag. Pay attention to any red flags that pop up. The universe is always looking out for you.

June 24, 2011
Angel of Abundance, Chakra Therapy, & 3 more gifts!
Gift of the Week

Angel of Abundance Art Print - Allow the Angel of Abundance to raise your vibrational frequency and help you eliminate negativity. This beautiful art print was created by mystical artist and angel communicator Lori Falk to capture the healing energy of the divine and to attract all good things into your life. The Angel of Abundance's message is simple; she reminds us that the Law of Attraction is in action at all times. You can only attract things into your life that are in alignment with your current emotional state or vibrational frequency. Spend time each day with your Angel of Abundance by placing her at your altar or any place in your home where you will stop and reflect with her each day.
Angel of Abundance Art Print

The ABCs of Chakra Therapy [book] - A practical, user-friendly workbook that leads readers on a journey of self-healing and transformation through the exploration of the human energy field and the seven main energy centers, or chakras. It focuses not just on one method of energy clearing, but incorporates a variety of therapies to choose from, including: visualization, sound, color, aromatherapy, reflexology, crystals and gemstones, yoga and other physical exercise. Learn to combine powerful healing techniques to enable healing on physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels, expediting healing by providing a means of de-energizing and neutralizing negative patterns, beliefs, and behavior at the core leve! l.
The ABCs of Chakra Therapy [book]

Oceanis [CD] - Sit back, close your eyes and allow Oceanis to be your guide on a musical exploration of azure skies, golden beaches, mystic oceans, and a magical world of dreams like no other. Oceanis is a special limited edition collections of inspiring music from some of the world’s premier easy-listening artists, such as Max Highstein, Shardad Rohani, and Rob Whitesides-Woo.
Oceanis [CD]

Pineal Activation Cream - Pineal Activation Cream is excellent for revitalizing the pineal gland (third eye) and opening to clarity. Our third eye area is home to our 6th chakra which allows us to see with our inner vision and be open to our psychic experiences. The cream is made with 13 different essential oils, flower and plant oils and ground gemstone, making it ideal for use during meditation, journaling and other expanded activities. To use, dab a small amount on your forehead between your eyes where your third eye can be found. Allow the cream to guide you how it wants to be used, perhaps make a circle 8 with your finger while applying it, or make circular motions in a clockwise direction.
Pineal Activation Cream

Maya Yoga Vinyasa Fusion: Core Strength Flow [DVD] - A regular yoga practice can truly calm and quiet the mind and all its self-limiting tendencies. With Nicki Doane's Maya Yoga Vinyasa Fusion series, the combination of Asana (yogic postures) and Pranayama (conscious breathing) - along with her unique focus on alignment, philosophy, and sense of humor - you can create a sustainable lifelong yoga practice. What makes Maya Yoga's series different from other yoga varieties is that balanced approach to core strength, the attention to detail and alignment, and the broader focus of finding a deep inner strength that supports everything we do.
Maya Yoga Vinyasa Fusion: Core Strength Flow [DVD]

For more information visit DailyOM Gift Shop

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