January 2011 One Card Draw!

Jan 19, 2011 11:43

One Card Draw is now CLOSED.

I am opening the draw a little bit early today. I have some errands to run this afternoon that are taking me out of the house for a bit, and don't want people to have to wait to get their requests in. Once I am home from the errands, I will start doing the actual draws for each of you. Please feel free to pimp this baby out to everyone you know...

Okay, here's the basics rules, which are based on things that stonetalker and
miintikwa have used for their draws. And seriously, much love and thanks for doing those readings, y'all, or I'd have never had the courage to finally do something like this...
  1. Today's draw is open to any and all.
    Feel free to pimp this out far and wide.
  2. The draw will run from 1200-1900 PST today only.
  3. I'll mark this post when the draw is closed.
  4. You get one free draw with one question.
    Additional one card draws can be had with a donation of $3 via the donate button below.
  5. If you want your draw results to be screened or via PM, please let me know that and I'll comply with your wishes.

Today, you get your choice of three decks for your card, two of which I've never used before. This said, the newer decks are still getting feelers on whether they'll become permanent use decks or not. The decks are...Please state which deck you'd like me to use for your reading. If you don't specify a deck, you'll get the standard deck that I've been using up to this point.

Standard Disclaimer: I am not any of the following :: doctor, lawyer, accountant. If you need assistance in any of these areas, please consult those professionals. I promise that I will do my very best to give you the best reading I can to the best of my abilities. Use the information for your reading as you choose to, but please remember I am the conduit/messenger, not the source of the information given.

If you should wish to, tips/sponsoring can be done via the "donate" button below.

Longer, more in-depth readings can be discussed in a PM, if you are so inclined. Standard and unique spreads available.

And last, but not least, please have fun with this...

Original post @ Dreamwidth with
comments. Commenting is welcome on either post.

divination, free readings

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