First draft has been uploaded to AO3 to meet the deadline, but I have some beta work going atm. I will update the file as I go and have it completed before the reveal. Without giving anything away, I ended up going with a variation on what my recipient asked for [which they did allow for], as the main request made would take me far too long to complete in time for
yuletide's reveal. Not even if I'd started the second I got my assignment. I'm still considering actually writing that idea once
yuletide's over, and still list it as a gift for my recipient. I think I did a reasonable facsimile of the request in a much shorter form, so I'm happy with that. I'm not 100% sure I like what came out, but I feel that way a lot lately about my writings, so...
In other news, it is snowing here. Woot!
shatterpath said her knees have been bothering her most of the day, so we must be getting some nasty weather coming. She checked the Weather Channel and discovered that snow/rain is in our forecast. And then she checked the front window in the office, which prompted the two of us to go check out the front door as it's definitely snowing. We wouldn't be surprised if
amyrayh takes Dace tomorrow [okay, later today], to be safe.
There is a full moon AND a
full lunar eclipse happening on Solstice this year. Said full lunar eclipse will be viewable across the entirety of North America. I really hope it's clear enough for me to watch it. It'll actually start tonight at approximately 2127 PST and end at approximately 0306 PST tomorrow [Tuesday]. At this point, I'm planning to stay up through the whole timeframe, as it's only about 1-2 hours later than I am normally up. I'll be doing some juju and crafts during that time, as well as some writing.
And speaking of juju... The December One Card Draw will take place on Tuesday, 21 December 2010, from 1200-1900 PST on my DW/LJ. There will be a post up with all of the pertinent information. This will be an open draw, so feel free to pimp it to your circle/flist. The more, the merrier! And this will most likely be my last free draw for 2010, tho I may change my mind come NYE. We'll see...
Have a lot more writing to get done before the end of the year, and I'm confident it'll get done. The same goes for Giftmas crafting. So much work to do!
But for now, I think I shall finish watching Practical Magic and head to bed. See y'all on the flip side!
Original post @ Dreamwidth with
comments. Commenting is welcome on either post.