{memes} Catching up on a couple of memes...

Dec 18, 2010 09:23

Yes, there are several meme responses in this post. Each is behind a cut and described in the cut tag. Feel free to skip if you want. Feel free to play along on any if you want. All up to you...
  • Color Meme gacked from
    miintikwa on 5 October 2010
    Comment and I'll give you a color that I think represents you, and then you list ten things you like in that color! :: I got the color purple...
    • purple peeps
    • My HUGE purple & hot pink water bottle/mug
    • amethyst
    • charoite
    • grape jelly
    • Pentel R.S.V.P. BK90 pens with purple ink
    • the top Pauley Perrette's wearing in her Expedia commercial
    • pansies
    • violets
    • my "huge tracts of land" t-shirt that I can't wear because it's too small for me

  • Music Meme gacked from
    merfilly on 14 October 2010
    1. reply to this post and I'll assign you a letter.
    2. list (and upload or link to) 5 songs you love that begin with that letter.
    3. post them to your journal with these instructions.
    • "Pandora's Box" -- Alan Silvestri [from the Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life soundtrack]
    • "Paranoimia" -- The Art of Noise featuring Max Headroom
    • "A Perfect View" -- Bound for Severance
    • "Pikachu (I Choose You)" -- Elan Rivera/Johnto [from the Totally Pokémon: Music From the Hit TV Series soundtrack]
    • "The Place Where The Crying Begins" -- Peter Buffet
    & redina on 17 November 2010
    • "Galileo" -- Indigo Girls
    • "GAY" -- Geri Haliwell
    • "Gay Bar" -- Electric Six
    • "Generation O! Theme" -- Letters to Cleo
    • "Girl Goodbye" -- Toto

  • Five Questions Meme gacked from morlith on 26 November 2010
    The Rules of the Meme:
    1. Leave me a comment saying anything random, like [the food you hate most in all the world]. Something random. Whatever you like.
    2. I respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better.
    3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
    4. You will include this explanation and offer to ask someone else in the post.
    5. When others comment asking to be asked, you will ask them five questions.
    1. What led you to living in Washington State? I would love to go into this whole grand explanation of how it was destiny or fate, but it really boils down to the fact that
      shatterpath moved to Washington a year after she moved to Portland. Within six months, I followed her to Washington. We really don't do well apart for any significant length of time.
    2. If you could only eat three foods, what would they be? Just three foods? Hmm... Chicken, sauerkraut, and pizza. Because those are the first three that came to mind [and obviously are what I'm currently craving], since this list could change on a daily basis. LOL!
    3. Beach, Forest, Mountains, or Plains? Um, yes? All of the above? If I HAVE to choose, I'd go with Beach. Actually, I'd pretty much choose them in the order they were listed here...
    4. What about Alton Brown makes you a fan? He's fun and he makes cooking fun and interesting. And Deb the nutritional anthropologist. And W. Definitely W. *smirks*
    5. Finish this sentence: One thing my life is lacking is _____________. Structure.

Original post @ Dreamwidth with
comments. Commenting is welcome on either post.

music, memes :: 2010

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