Today's DailyOM Offerings...

Nov 26, 2010 01:33

November 26, 2010

Junip's debut album Fields arrives some five years after the band's guitarist-singer, José González, hit the big-time with his cover of the Knife's "Heartbeats." And while fans of González's peaceful acoustica will find plenty to love on Fields, this is no vanity project. It's a proper band whose genesis predated González's solo career by some five years. Junip's roots stretch back to the late 1990s, when González, drummer Elias Araya, and keyboardist Tobias Winterkorn met each other while attending hardcore shows in their native Gothenburg, Sweden. Fields' low-key acoustic grooves, marinated in both folk and psychedelia, feel like the work of supreme patience that their decade's gestation would suggest.

José González's voice has an affect-free directness to it. It's placid on the surface, but that just makes it easier for us to penetrate each song's lyrical and musical depths. His impassive vocals are perfect for the impressionistic lyrics of "Always" ("Droning chords and distant bells / Humming over empty shells / Holding on tight onto a dead sky / Nomadic moves across a lawn"), sung over a simple two-chord groove and African percussion track. On "Don't Let It Pass," he offers wisdom ("Don't let it pass / Don't get locked in / Everything starts way from within") amidst a cyclical acoustic guitar and drum canon that becomes more absorbing with each listen.

There's a healthy dose of groove undulating throughout Fields, ranging from propulsive guitar strums and rock backbeats to Krautrock-style minimalism and Afro-funk rhythms. Yet Junip's secret weapon is piano-man Winterkorn. His keyboard accents turn a structurally simple song like "Without You" into a sonic head trip, embellishing its acoustic backbone with space-traveling synth backdrops. There's all manner of buzzing whirligigs on "To the Grain," giving its diffuse lyric ("Running up hill / In the morning when waters are still / Ropes are cut / Unclear patterns when eyes are shut") an easily apprehended emotional depth. On this song and many others on Fields, Junip sends the earthbound pleasantness of acoustic-folk music into orbit and reflects it back to us from space.

November 26, 2010
Manifest Your Dreams
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope

You might find today that your idealism makes you feel hopeful about your future aspirations. The world could seem to be there for the taking, and you could notice a sense of promise for the future. Today you may want to use your optimism to help you picture the person you would most like to become. As you think about your dreams, you can allow yourself to visualize your life as you ideally want it to be in five years. You might first want to imagine your occupation, remembering to be open to all possibilities and allow innovative ideas to flow. Then think about your home life, picturing where you would most like to live and whom you would like to be with. Let the images dance in your mind, and you may find that your hopes can help you create the life you truly want.

Visualizing the future helps us to manifest our dreams. When we think about our current situation, our optimism can sometimes weigh us down, giving us an ideal that seems impossible to attain. By picturing where we would like to be a few years into the future, however, we give our dreams a place to rest. We know that while we may not have everything we want in the present, the future holds unlimited possibilities for us. Our hopes will become a catalyst for positive change in our lives. Creating a picture of the future today will allow you to set the intention to realize all of your future aspirations.

November 26, 2010
Your Wellspring of Energy
A Stress-Free Home

No matter where you live or what type of home you live in, taking care of your dwelling is also caring for your soul.

Sometimes our lives are so busy that we treat our homes as if they were impersonal places that we merely pass through. But we can make certain that our homes truly feel like our sanctuaries by taking the time to tend to them like gardens, which need care in order to offer us the beauty of their blooms. When we take the time to treat our homes like beloved treasures, we can shift their energy from being merely places to being wellsprings for the replenishment of our energy.

Consider that homes are the outer reflections of those who live within. If we feel that the current appearance clashes with how we'd like to see ourselves, it can keep us from fully allowing our light to shine. Updating our homes to reflect our inner landscape need not involve massive redecorating or a large outlay of money. Small things can make a big difference, like simply moving items so that we constantly gaze upon the things we love the most, liberating the treasures we've hidden in our closets, using our best dishes and making small repairs. Organizing and cleaning is a no-cost way to remove chaos from our homes and introduce more calm. Lovingly rejuvenating our personal space can become a creative project that increases the flow of good throughout all aspects of our lives and increases our feeling of connection. We can give old things new life by donating them to charity, opening space for newness to enter. Removing stress from our homes can be as simple as putting o! ur bills into pretty boxes and choosing a specific time to deal with them, or removing clutter so that we and our energy can move freely throughout our space.

Simplifying our space lets our imagination and energy roam free. We can choose to prioritize our homes, making them the true heart of our family's activities. Then we are free to focus on what really matters-time to ourselves, to share with loved ones, and to replenish our energy so that we have more to share with each other and with the world.

November 26, 2010
Chakra Wind Chimes, Sleep, How to Read Akashic Records
Gift of the Week

Chakra Wind Chimes - Our Chakra Wind Chimes with gemstones represent the 7 body chakras. 7 stones are aligned in an ascending column, just as the 7 chakras are aligned along the spine of the human body. The sound is delicate and sweet and would nicely accompany other wind chimes you may already have. Through color and sound we are reminded that we are subtle bodies of energy.
View Chakra Wind Chimes

Sleep (CD) - An acclaimed sound healing engineer and meditation teacher, David Ison's music consists of haunting chimes and drifting, breathing synth chords that always seem about to tumble over into some musical jam or waterfall, but they never quite do. That sense of hovering always on a magnificent precipice is important to the sound of Sleep and Ison has crafted a record that delivers just what it promises: a soothing 50-minute instrumental-ambient track that's ideal for infants, adult power naps, long-term hibernation, or ferrying your stressed-out soul across the valley of tossing and turning and into the quiet, majestic halls of deep, relaxing, calming sleep.
Listen To Sound Clips

How to Read the Akashic Records (book) - The universe is alive-and it has a memory just like you. Known as the Akashic Records, this energetic archive of soul information stands ready to lovingly guide you. Once accessible to rare spiritual masters, now the Records are available to anyone-anytime, anywhere. After a lifelong search for truth, master teacher and healer Linda Howe has developed an infallible method for accessing this reservoir of information: the Pathway Prayer Process. By lifting you to a divine level of consciousness, this sacred prayer opens the doors of the Records, where your "soul blueprint"-everything you need to know about your soul's destiny-awaits you.
Read Excerpt

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