Naps can be a good thing...

Nov 15, 2010 00:23


Didn't get nearly as much written today as I'd have liked, but that's okay. An off day here and there is completely acceptable, right?

Seahawks won today. Packers had a bye week. It was amusing sitting down here in the office and listening to
shatterpath & amyrayh hootin' and hollerin' upstairs as good stuff happened in the Seahawks game. Turns out we're #1 in our division. Woot! Go 'hawks!

While they were watching the game, I completed and emailed out the assignments for the ICSS 2010. If you're reading this and you're playing, please let me know if you got your assignment. Except for emploding, since she already replied to her assignment email. Can't wait to start picking up stuff for my Secret Santee. *hee*

Have been fighting a headache all damned day. It was pretty bad earlier today, but seems to have finally died down. That, or I've just gotten used to it. My guess is that it has somethign to do with the weather we've got coming in. According to one of my buddies on the mainland over in the Seattle area, there's supposed to be snow on the 22nd. I doubt we'll get it over here, but we might...

Am currently half-paying attention to The Golden Compass. Good movie. Eventually, I suppose I should read the books, as I'd wanted to a couple years back... *shrugs*

And I think I may just head up to bed early tonight. Told
shatterpath to get me up early to help get the trash and recycling out in the morning, since we completely spaced it tonight, and there's a lot of both to go out.

Original post @ Dreamwidth with
comments. Commenting is welcome on either post.

football, washington's natural beauty, nanowrimo, personal updates, icss

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